Trade Promotion (Fast-Track) Authority: A Comparison of H.R. 3005 as Approved by the House and by the Senate Finance Committee

CRS Report for Congress
Trade Promotion (Fast-Track) Authority: A
Comparison of H.R. 3005 as Approved by the
House and Reported by the Senate Finance
Updated April 8, 2002
Lenore Sek
Specialist in International Trade and Finance
Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division

Congressional Research Service ˜ The Library of Congress

Trade Promotion (Fast-Track) Authority: A Comparison
of H.R. 3005 as Approved by the House and Reported
by the Senate Finance Committee
This report compares H.R. 3005, the Bipartisan Trade Promotion Authority Act
of 2001, as approved by the House on December 6, 2001, and as ordered reported by
the Senate Finance Committee on December 18, 2001 (S.Rept. 107-139).
The trade negotiating objectives in both versions are similar but not identical.
Both versions have the same seven overall objectives, but the Senate Finance
Committee version has an eighth on small businesses. They have the same 13
principal objectives, with some language differences for three–foreign investment,th
agriculture, and dispute settlement–and the Senate Finance Committee adds a 14
principal objective on border taxes. Both versions call for the President to take
almost the same 12 actions to maintain U.S. competitiveness.
The two versions have almost identical language on the President’s authority to
proclaim tariff changes and to negotiate trade agreements with expedited legislative
procedures for an implementing bill. They have the same deadline for negotiating
agreements and almost the same requirements for extending the deadline. They both
state that a trade agreement must “make progress in meeting” negotiating objectives
and describe similar kinds of provisions that an implementing bill may have.
Both versions have identical language regarding notification and consultation
before and during negotiations. They both have special provisions on negotiations on
textiles and agriculture (the Senate Finance Committee version includes fish and
shellfish with agriculture). They both require reports by private sector advisors and
the International Trade Commission (ITC). They have the same language on
consultation with Congress before entering into an agreement, but the Senate Finance
Committee version adds requirements for any changes to trade remedy laws.
Both versions have similar provisions on the President’s submission of the trade
agreement and other documents to Congress. The Senate Finance Committee version
adds language on reporting changes to the trade remedy laws, procedural action in the
Senate, and disclosure of oral or written agreements with foreign governments. It
also adds that expedited procedures will not apply, if the Commerce Secretary does
not submit a report on a U.S. strategy toward certain dispute actions in the World
Trade Organization in a timely manner.
Both versions are almost identical on establishing a Congressional Oversight
Group. They both provide for adjustment to the pre-notification requirements where
negotiations are underway, require a plan by the President to address enforcement,
and state that congressional trade-related activities should increase. Additional
sections in the Senate Finance Committee version would require the ITC to report on
agreements implemented under expedited procedures in the past, and would direct the
USTR to seek an advocate in the WTO for small- or medium-sized businesses.

Section 1. Short Title and Findings..................................1
Section 2. Trade Negotiating Objectives..............................2
Section 3. Trade Agreement Authority...............................5
Section 4. Consultations and Assessment.............................7
Section 5. Implementation of Trade Agreements ......................10
Section 6. Treatment of Certain Trade Agreements for Which Negotiations Have
Already Begun.............................................12
Section 7. Congressional Oversight Group (COG).....................13
Section 8. Additional Implementation and Enforcement Requirements......14
Section 9. Committee Staff.......................................14
Section 10. Conforming Amendments...............................14
Section 11 (House Version). Definitions.............................14
Section 11 (Senate Finance Committee Version). Report on Impact of Trade
Promotion Authority........................................15
Section 12 (Senate Finance Committee Version). Identification of Small Business
Advocate at WTO..........................................15
Section 13 (Senate Finance Committee Version). Definitions.............15

Trade Promotion (Fast-Track) Authority: A
Comparison of H.R. 3005 as Approved by
the House and Reported by the Senate
Finance Committee
Section 1. Short Title and Findings
H.R. 3005 (House)H.R. 3005 (Senate Finance Committee)
The title of the legislation is theIdentical
“Bipartisan Trade Promotion Authority Act
of 2001.” Section 1(a)
Lists findings that (1) expansion ofIncludes identical House-passed provisions
international trade is vital to U.S. security;and adds:
and (2) national security depends on
economic security, which is founded on a (3) support for continued trade expansion
vibrant and growing U.S. industrial base.requires that dispute settlement procedures
Section 1(b)not add to or diminish the rights and
obligations under such agreements (includes
reference to problems with actions by dispute
settlement panels and the World Trade
Organization (WTO) Appellate Body).
Section 1(b)(3)

Section 2. Trade Negotiating Objectives
H.R. 3005 (House)H.R. 3005 (Senate Finance Committee)
Overall Negotiating ObjectivesIncludes identical House-passed provisions
and adds:
Lists 7 overall objectives: (1) more open,
equitable, and reciprocal market access; (2) (8) fair and equal treatment for small
reduction in or elimination of trade barriersbusinesses. Section 2(a)(8)
and distortions; (3) stronger international
trading disciplines, including dispute
settlement; (4) U.S. and world economic
benefits; (5) mutually supportive trade and
environmental policies; (6) respect for rights
of workers and children; and (7) provisions to
discourage weakening environmental or labor
laws to encourage trade. Section 2(a)
Principal Trade Negotiating ObjectivesIdentical, with the following exceptions:
Lists 13 principal negotiating objectives toforeign investment.
(1) expand market opportunities for U.S. Adds language that objective should ensure
exports by reducing or eliminating tradethat in the United States, U.S. investors are
barriers and distortions to trade; (2) reducenot accorded lesser rights than foreign
or eliminate barriers to international trade ininvestors; and a section on seeking to
services; (3) reduce or eliminate barriers toestablish standards for fair and equitable
trade-related foreign investment and securetreatment consistent with U.S. legal
for investors rights comparable to thoseprinciples and practice, including the
available in the United States; (4) furtherprinciple of due process. Sections 2(b)(3)
promote protection of intellectual propertyand 2(b)(3)(E).
rights (IPR) and secure market access Adds to provision on investor-government
opportunities for U.S. persons that rely ondisputes: mechanisms to deter the filing of
IPR protection; (5) obtain wider and broaderfrivolous claims; procedures to enhance
application of transparency through greaterpublic input into the formulation of
public access to information and moregovernment positions; and establishment of a
openness at the WTO; (6) obtain anti-single appellate body to provide coherence to
corruption standards that prohibit attempts tothe interpretations of investment provisions
influence government actions affecting trade;in trade agreements. Section 2(b)(3)(G)
(7) seek improvement of the WTO and Does not include House language (in
multilateral trade agreements by expandingsection 2(b)(3)(G)) on an appellate or similar
coverage and expanding countryreview mechanism to correct manifestly
participation; (8) establish disincentives forerroneous interpretations of law.
governments to use regulatory practices to
give a competitive advantage to domesticagriculture.
interests; (9) attempt to ensure open and Stronger language on export subsidies calls
nondiscriminatory rules covering electronicfor elimination of all export subsidies (House
commerce; (10) obtain reciprocal trade inincludes reduction), while maintaining food
agriculture so opportunities are substantiallyaid and market development and export
equivalent in U.S. and foreign markets, andcredit programs (not in House). Adds goals of
achieve fairer and more open conditions forcompletion of a WTO round by 1/1/05, and
commodities; (11) ensure protections forbroad market access in multiple sets of
labor and the environment, such as assurancenegotiations with attention to effect on
that parties will not fail to enforce their ownimport-sensitive commodities. Section
environmental and labor laws; (12)2(b)(10)(A)
strengthen dispute settlement and
enforcement of trade agreements; and (13)dispute settlement.
achieve specified objectives in WTO extended Adds improved adherence by WTO dispute

H.R. 3005 (House)H.R. 3005 (Senate Finance Committee)
negotiations on civil aircraft and rules ofpanels and by the WTO Appellate Body to
origin. Section 2(b)the standard of review applicable under the
relevant WTO Agreement, including greater
deference to the fact finding and technical
expertise of national investigating authorities.
Section 2(b)(12)(C)
Adds a 14 objective: obtain a revision of
WTO rules on the treatment of border
adjustments to redress the disadvantage to
countries that depend on direct taxes for
revenue rather than indirect taxes. Section


Promotion of Certain Priorities
Identical, except:
The President must take certain actions in
order to address and maintain U.S. Replaces (8) in House bill with a related
competitiveness in the global economy. provision that requires the President to
These 12 actions (1) seek greater WTO-ILOsubmit to the revenue committees a
cooperation; (2) seek consultativemeaningful labor rights report on parties to a
mechanisms among parties to promoteprospective agreement. Section 2(c)(8)
respect for core labor standards; (3) seek Expands on (9) in House bill by specifically
consultative mechanisms among parties toincluding safeguards under trade remedy
develop and implement standards forlaws, and adding that the President address
protection of the environment; (4) conductand remedy market distortions that lead to
environmental reviews of future tradedumping and subsidization, including
agreements; (5) review the impact of futureovercapacity, cartelization, and market-access
trade agreements on employment; (6) takebarriers. Section 2(c)(9)
into account other domestic objectives such
as health and safety, security, and consumer
interests; (7) have the Secretary of Labor
consult with other countries regarding their
labor laws; (8) report to Congress on child
labor laws in parties to prospective
agreements; (9) preserve the ability of the
United States to enforce rigorously its trade
laws, including antidumping and
countervailing duty laws; (10) continue to
promote consideration of multilateral
environmental agreements; (11) report to the
revenue committees on the effectiveness of a
trade remedy permitted by a trade agreement;
and (12) seek a consultative mechanism with
other parties to examine how currency
movements or manipulation affect trade.
Sections 2(c)(1)-2(c)(12)
Consultations Identical

During negotiations, the USTR shall
consult closely and on a timely basis
(including in most cases immediately before
initialing an agreement) with, and keep fully
apprised of the negotiations, the
Congressional Oversight Group (COG),
committees of jurisdiction, current
congressional trade advisors, the revenue
committees, and (with regard to negotiations

H.R. 3005 (House)H.R. 3005 (Senate Finance Committee)
relating to agricultural trade) the agriculture
committees. Section 2(d)
Adherence to Obligations Under UruguayIdentical

Round Agreements
In determining whether to negotiate with
another country, the President shall consider
the other country’s adherence to its
obligations under the Uruguay Round
Agreements. Section 2(e)

Section 3. Trade Agreement Authority
H.R. 3005 (House)H.R. 3005 (Senate Finance Committee)
Agreements Regarding Tariff Barriers:Virtually identical
The President may proclaim tariff cuts for
agreements entered into before June 1, 2005,
or before June 1, 2007, if expedited
procedures are extended. Section 3 (a)(1)
Tariffs over 5% ad valorem may not be
reduced by more than half, nor may tariffs be
increased. A special rule applies for certain
agricultural products. Section 3(a)(2)
Other rules are stipulated (e.g., rounding,
exemption of reductions from staging).
Sections 3(a)(3)-3(a)(7)
Agreements Regarding Tariff and NontariffVirtually identical

The President may enter into a trade
agreement on duties or other import
restrictions before June 1, 2005, or before
June 1, 2007, if expedited procedures are
extended. Section 3(b)(1)
A trade agreement may be entered into only
if such agreement makes progress in meeting
the overall and principal negotiating
objectives and satisfies the conditions for
consultation and assessment. Section 3(b)(2)
Expedited procedures, called “trade
authorities procedures,” apply to a bill which
contains (1) a provision approving the trade
agreement and the statement of
administrative action if any; and (2)
provisions that are necessary or appropriate
to implement the trade agreement, if changes
in existing laws or new statutory authority are
required to implement the trade agreement.
This type of bill is called an “implementing
bill.” Section 3(b)(3)

H.R. 3005 (House)H.R. 3005 (Senate Finance Committee)
Extension Disapproval Process forAlmost identical, but adds:
Congressional Trade Authorities Procedures
The President must promptly inform the
Trade authorities procedures shall apply toInternational Trade Commission (ITC) of the
an implementing bill for trade agreementsPresident’s decision to submit the report
that were entered into by June 1, 2005, or byunder Section 3(c)(2) requesting an
June 1, 2007, if two conditions are met: (1)extension of trade authorities procedures.
the President requests such extension; and (2)The ITC must report to Congress no later
neither House of Congress adopts anthan May 1, 2005, on the economic impact
extension disapproval resolution before Juneon the United States of all trade agreements

1, 2005. Section 3(c)(1)implemented between enactment of H.R.

If the President decides that trade3005 and the date on which the President
authorities procedures should be extended,decides to seek the extension. Section 3(c)(3)
the President must submit to Congress, not
later than March 1, 2005, a written report
containing a request for such extension,
together with specified information. Section


The President must promptly report to the
private sector Advisory Committee for Trade
Policy and Negotiations (ACTPN) on the
intent to pursue the 2-year extension in trade
authorities procedures. ACTPN must report
to Congress no later than May 1, 2005, on
progress in the negotiations and whether the
extension should be granted. Section 3(c)(3)
The reports by the President and by
ACTPN on the extension will be classified.
Section 3(c)(4)
The language and procedure for
consideration of the extension disapproval
resolution are described. Section 3(c)(5)

Commencement of Negotiations
In cases where the President determines
that certain negotiations are feasible and
timely and could benefit the United States,
the President shall commence negotiations
covering tariff and nontariff barriers affecting
any industry, product, or service sector, and
expand existing sectoral agreements to
countries that are not already parties. The
list of such sectors includes agriculture,
industrial and capital goods, environmental
technology and services, civil aircraft, and
other mentioned sectors. Section 3(d)

Section 4. Consultations and Assessment
H.R. 3005 (House)H.R. 3005 (Senate Finance Committee)
Notice and Consultation Before NegotiationIdentical
With regard to trade agreements negotiated
under Section 3(b), the President shall:
(1) provide, at least 90 calendar days before
starting negotiations, written notice of intent to
enter into negotiations and set forth the intended
starting date, specific objectives, and whether the
President will seek an agreement or changes to an
existing agreement;
(2) before and after the above notice, consult
with the revenue committees, such other
committees as the President deems appropriate,
and the COG. Section 4(a)
Negotiations Regarding AgricultureIdentical, except:
Before undertaking negotiations on foreign Adds that for import-sensitive
tariffs and other charges on U.S. agriculturalagricultural products, the USTR shall
exports, the President shall assess whether U.S.consult with the revenue and agriculture
tariffs bound on these products are lower thancommittees also on whether negotiating
tariffs bound on U.S. exports in the other countrypartners maintain trade-distorting
or worldwide, and whether the negotiation gives anexport subsidy programs and the impact
opportunity to address any disparity. Theof such programs on U.S. producers.
President shall consult with the revenueSection 4(b)(2)
committees and agriculture committees on the Adds that before starting or
results of the assessment, tariff reductions, andcontinuing negotiations directly related
negotiating objectives. Section 4(b)(1)to fish or shellfish trade, the President
must consult with the Ways and Means
The USTR shall identify certain import sensitiveCommittee and the Resources
agricultural products and consult with the revenueCommittee in the House and with the
and agriculture committees on any further tariffFinance Committee and the Commerce,
reductions and whether the products faceScience, and Transportation Committee
unjustified sanitary or phytosanitary restrictions. of the Senate, and keep the committees
The USTR shall request an ITC assessment of theinformed of negotiations on an ongoing
economic effects of any tariff reductions, andand timely basis. Section 4(b)(3)
notify the revenue and agriculture committees of
any intent to seek tariff cuts currently or in the
future. Section 4(b)(2)
Negotiations Regarding TextilesIdentical

Before undertaking negotiations on textiles and
apparel products with another country, the
President shall assess whether U.S. tariffs bound
on such products are lower than the other country’s
bound tariffs and whether the negotiation gives an
opportunity to address any disparity. The
President shall consult with the revenue
committees on the results of the assessment, tariff
reductions, and applicable negotiating objectives.
Section 4(c)

H.R. 3005 (House)H.R. 3005 (Senate Finance Committee)
Consultation with Congress Before AgreementsContains the identical House language
Entered Intobut adds:
Before entering into an agreement under Section At least 90 calendar days before
3(b), the President shall consult with the revenueentering into a trade agreement, the
committees, other committees with jurisdiction, andPresident shall notify the revenue
the COG. Section 4(d)(1)committees of any amendments to Title
VII of the Tariff Act of 1930 or
The consultation shall cover the nature of theChapter 1 of Title II of the Trade Act
agreement, how the agreement will achieveof 1974 [provisions covering
applicable policies and objectives, antidumping and countervailing duties
and implementation of the agreement (includingand safeguards] that will be proposed
the effect on existing laws). Section 4(d)(2)in an implementing bill. Section


On the date of the above notification,
the President must report to the
committees the reasons the
amendments are necessary and why
they are consistent with the purposes,
policies, and objectives of Section
2(c)(9) [the President shall preserve the
ability to rigorously enforce U.S. trade
laws]. Section 4(d)(3)(B)
Within 60 days of the above
notification, the chairman and ranking
member of the revenue committees in
each house, based on consultations
with their respective committee
members, shall report to their
respective houses on whether the
proposed amendments are consistent
with the purposes, policies, and
objectives of Section 2(c)(9). The
reports shall contain any differences in
views of the chairmen and ranking
members. Sections 4(d)(3)(C) and
Advisory Committee Reports4(d)(3)(D)
Private sector advisors shall submit reports onIdentical
Section 3(a) and Section 3(b) trade agreements to
the President, Congress, and USTR, not later than
30 days after the President notifies Congress of the
intent to enter into the trade agreement (as required
under Section 5(a)(1)). Section 4(e)
ITC Assessment
The President, at least 90 calendar days beforeIdentical

entering into an agreement under Section 3(b),
shall give the International Trade Commission
(ITC) details of the agreement and request that the
ITC prepare and submit an assessment of the
agreement. Not later than 90 calendar days after
the President enters into the agreement, the ITC
shall submit to the President and to Congress a
report assessing various economic impacts of the
agreement. The ITC shall review and assess

H.R. 3005 (House)H.R. 3005 (Senate Finance Committee)
empirical literature regarding the agreement.
Section 4(f)

Section 5. Implementation of Trade Agreements
H.R. 3005 (House)H.R. 3005 (Senate Finance Committee)
In GeneralContains virtually identical House
language and adds:
Any agreement under Section 3(b) shall enter
into force if, and only if: (1) the President, at least The President must also transmit the
90 calendar days before entering into annotification and report on trade remedy
agreement, notifies the House and the Senate oflaws required under Section 4(d)(3)(A)
the intention to enter into the agreement, andand (B) to the revenue committees when
publishes notice in the Federal Register; (2) withinhe makes his notification before
60 days of entering into the agreement, theentering into an agreement. Section
President submits to Congress a description of5(a)(1)(A)(ii)
legal changes required for compliance with the The following additional supporting
agreement; (3) after entering into the agreement,information must be submitted along
the President submits to Congress the text of thewith the text of the agreement and other
agreement, together with a draft implementingdocuments: in the event that the
bill, a statement of administrative action, andcongressional reports in Sections
other supporting information; and (4) the4(d)(3)(C) and (D) find that proposed
implementing bill is enacted. Section 5(a)(1)amendments to trade remedy laws are
inconsistent with the purposes, policies,
Supporting information to be submitted alongand objectives of Section 2(c)(9), the
with the text of the agreement and the draftPresident must explain why those
implementing bill consists of an explanation offindings are incorrect. Section
how the implementing bill and administrative5(a)(2)(B)(ii)(VI)
action might change existing law, a statement of Any agreement or other understanding
how the agreement makes progress in achievingwith a foreign government (whether oral
the objectives, and other information as described.or in writing) that relates to a trade
Section 5(a)(2)agreement enacted under trade
authorities procedures and not disclosed
The implementing bill shall provide that theto Congress before introduction of
benefits and obligations under the agreementimplementing legislation, shall not be
apply only to the parties to the agreement. Theconsidered part of the agreement
implementing bill may provide that the benefitsapproved by Congress and shall have no
and obligations do not apply uniformly to allforce under U.S. law or in any dispute
parties. Section 5(a)(3) settlement body. Section 5(a)(4)

H.R. 3005 (House)H.R. 3005 (Senate Finance Committee)
Limitations of Trade AuthoritiesIdentical (with some changes in numbering),
Proceduresexcept for the following:
Trade authorities procedures shall not Adds that a procedural disapproval resolution
apply to any implementing bill for ashall be referred to the Finance Committee and
Section 3(b) trade agreement if, duringmay not be amended, and it is not in order for the
the 60-day period beginning on the dateSenate to consider a procedural disapproval
that a house agrees to a proceduralresolution not reported by the Finance
disapproval resolution for lack of noticeCommittee. [Similar language referring to the
or consultations, the other houseWays and Means Committee and Rules
separately agrees to a proceduralCommittee is in the House-passed bill.] Sections
resolution with regard to the same trade5(b)(1)(C)(i)(bb) and (cc) and (ii)(iv)
agreement. The term “procedural Adds a section requiring that, prior to
disapproval resolution” is defined.December 31, 2002, the Secretary of Commerce
Section 5(b)(1)transmit to Congress a report with the U.S.
strategy for correcting instances in which WTO
The procedures for consideringdispute settlement panels and Appellate Body
procedural disapproval resolutions arehave added to obligations or diminished rights as
given. Section 5(b)(2)described in Section 1(b)(3). Trade authorities
procedures shall not apply to an implementing
Provisions covering proceduralbill with regard to an agreement negotiated under
disapproval resolutions (Section 5(b))the WTO unless the Commerce Secretary has
and extension disapproval resolutionsissued the report in a timely manner. Section
(Section 3(c)) are enacted by Congress as5(b)(2)

an exercise of the rulemaking power of
the House and the Senate and with full
recognition of the constitutional right of
either house to change the rules. Section


Section 6. Treatment of Certain Trade
Agreements for Which Negotiations Have Already
H.R. 3005 (House)H.R. 3005 (Senate Finance Committee)
If a trade agreement under Section 3(b) (1)Virtually Identical
is entered into under the WTO, is entered
into with Chile, is entered into with
Singapore, or establishes a Free Trade Area
for the Americas, and (2) results from
negotiations that started before enactment,
then different treatment would apply. Section



Under that treatment, the applicability of
the trade authorities procedures to
implementing bill shall be determined
without regard to certain requirements
regarding notification before initiating
negotiations. Also, the President would be
required to notify the Congress of the
negotiations and consult regarding the
negotiations with the revenue committees,
other committees as the President deems
appropriate, and the COG. Section 6(b)

Section 7. Congressional Oversight Group (COG)
H.R. 3005 (House)H.R. 3005 (Senate Finance Committee)
Members and FunctionsIdentical
Within 60 days of enactment (and within 30 days
of convening of each Congress), the chairmen of
the revenue committees shall convene the COG.
Section 7(a)(1)
Membership will be the chairman and ranking
member of the revenue committees, 3 other
members from each of those committees (no more
than 2 of the same party), and the chairman and
ranking member from any other committees with
jurisdiction. Sections 7(a)(2) and 7(a)(3)
Members of the COG shall be official advisers to
the U.S. delegation in trade negotiations. The
COG shall consult with and provide advice to the
USTR on formulation of objectives, negotiating
strategies and positions, development of the trade
agreement, and compliance and enforcement.
Section 7(a)(4)
The COG shall be chaired by the chairmen of the
revenue committees. Section 7(a)(5)
Identical, except:
Adds that the guidelines developed by
Within 120 days of enactment, the USTR, inthe USTR shall also provide for the
consultation with the chairmen and rankingtime frame for submitting the labor
members of the revenue committees, shall developrights report under Section 2(c)(8).
guidelines for the exchange of information betweenSection 7(b)(2)(E)
the USTR and the COG, and make revisions as
necessary. Section 7(b)(1)
The guidelines developed by the USTR shall
provide for, among other things: regular, detailed
briefings of the COG on negotiating objectives;
access by COG members and staff to pertinent
documents; the closest practicable coordination
between the USTR and the COG at all critical
periods of the negotiations; and after the
agreement is concluded, consultation on
compliance and enforcement. Section 7(b)(2)

Request for Meeting
Upon the request of a majority of the COG, the
President shall meet with the COG before starting
negotiations or at any other time. Section 7(c)

Section 8. Additional Implementation and
Enforcement Requirements
H.R. 3005 (House)H.R. 3005 (Senate Finance
At the time the President submits to Congress the final textIdentical
of the trade agreement, the President shall also submit a plan
for implementing and enforcing the agreement. The plan shall
include (along with an analysis of the costs associated with
each): (1) a description of additional personnel required at
border entry points; (2) a description of additional personnel
required by Federal agencies for monitoring and implementing
the trade agreement; and (3) a description of the additional
equipment and facilities needed by the U.S. Customs Service;
and a description of the impact of the agreement on State and
local governments. Section 8(a)
In the first budget after the above plan is submitted, the
President shall request the resources necessary to support the
plan. Section 8(b)
Section 9. Committee Staff
H.R. 3005 (House)H.R. 3005 (Senate Finance
The grant of trade promotion authority is likely to increase theIdentical
activities of the primary committees of jurisdiction in
international trade. Further, more Members will participate in
the formulation of U.S. trade policy and oversight of the trade
agenda through the creation of the Congressional Oversight
Group. The primary committees of jurisdiction should have
adequate staff to accommodate these increased activities.
Section 10. Conforming Amendments
Section 11 (House Version). Definitions

Section 11 (Senate Finance Committee Version).
Report on Impact of Trade Promotion Authority
H.R. 3005 (House)H.R. 3005 (Senate Finance Committee)
No provisionRequires the ITC, within 1 year of enactment, to report to
the revenue committees on the economic impact on the
United States of: (1) the U.S.-Israel Free Trade
Agreement (FTA); (2) the U.S.-Canada FTA; (3) the
North American Free Trade Agreement; (4) the Uruguay
Round Agreements; and (5) the Tokyo Round of
Multilateral Trade Negotiations.
Section 12 (Senate Finance Committee Version).
Identification of Small Business Advocate at WTO
H.R. 3005 (House)H.R. 3005 (Senate Finance Committee)
No provision.Requires the USTR to pursue identification of a
small business advocate at the WTO Secretariat to
examine the impact of WTO agreements on small-
and medium-sized enterprises, address their
concerns, and recommend ways to address their
interests. Section 12(a)
States that the Assistant USTR for Industry and
Telecommunications shall be responsible for
ensuring small business interests are considered in
trade negotiations in accordance with the overall
objective on small businesses (described in section
2(a)(8)). Expresses the sense of Congress that the
small business functions be reflected in the title of
the Assistant USTR assigned such responsibility.
Section 12(b)
Requires that within 1 year of enactment and
annually thereafter, the USTR report to the revenue
committees on steps taken to pursue the
identification of a small business advocate at the
WTO. Section 12(c)
Section 13 (Senate Finance Committee Version).