Comparisons of U.S. and Foreign Military Spending: Data from Selected Public Sources

CRS Report for Congress
Comparisons of U.S. and Foreign
Military Spending: Data from
Selected Public Sources
January 28, 2004
Jeffrey Chamberlin
Analyst in National Defense
Foreign Affarirs, Defense, and Trade Division

Congressional Research Service ˜ The Library of Congress

Comparisons of U.S. and Foreign Military Spending:
Data from Selected Public Sources
This report lists and compares military expenditures of the United States and
foreign nations using two sources: the London-based International Institute for
Strategic Studies’ (IISS) The Military Balance, and the U.S. State Department’s
World Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers (WMEAT).
Although the IISS and the U.S. State Department aim to provide figures that are
as consistent and accurate as possible, cross-national comparisons of defense
spending are inherently imperfect. Available sets of figures are useful, but often do
not correspond with one another for a variety of reasons. This report provides two
sets of figures from widely recognized sources in order to offer Congress a sample
of the data published on this topic. This report will be updated as necessary.

In troduction ......................................................1
The Military Balance...............................................1
World Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers (WMEAT)...............2
List of Figures
Figure 1. U.S. Defense Expenditures as a Percentage of the
Top 10 Defense-Spending Countries, 2002.........................17
Figure 2. U.S. Defense Expenditures as a Percentage of the
Top 10 Defense-Spending Countries, 1999.........................17
Figure 3. U.S. Defense Expenditures as a Percentage of the
Top 25 Defense-Spending Countries, 2002.........................18
Figure 4. U.S. Defense Expenditures as a Percentage of the
Top 25 Defense-Spending Countries, 1999.........................18
Figure 5. Defense Expenditures as a Percentage of GDP
Top 25 Countries, 1999........................................19
Figure 6. Defense Expenditures as a Percentage of GDP
Top 25 Countries, 2002........................................20
Figure 7. U.S. Defense Expenditures as a Percentage of
NATO Defense Expenditures, 1999..............................22
Figure 8. U.S. Defense Expenditures as a Percentage of
NATO Defense Expenditures, 2002..............................22
Figure 9. NATO Defense Expenditures as a Percentage of GDP, 2002.......23
Figure 10. NATO Defense Expenditures as a Percentage of GDP, 1999......24
List of Tables
Table 1. U.S. and Foreign Defense Spending (by Rank):
Data from the IISS and U.S. Department of State.....................5
Table 2. U.S. and Foreign Defense Spending (by Country):
Data from the IISS and U.S. Department of State...................11
Table 3. NATO Defense Expenditures:
Data from the IISS and U.S. Dept. of State.........................21

Comparisons of U.S. and Foreign
Military Spending:
Data from Selected Public Sources
Estimates of military spending by foreign nations are available from a number
of sources. This CRS report lists and compares military expenditures of the United
States and foreign countries using two of the most commonly cited and readily
available publications: The Military Balance, published in October of each year by
the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS)and World
Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers (WMEAT), published about annually by
the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Arms Control.1
Although the IISS and U.S. State Department aim to provide figures that are as
consistent and accurate as possible, cross-national comparisons of defense spending
are inherently imperfect. Available sets of figures are useful for comparative
purposes, but often do not correspond with one another for a variety of reasons. This
report provides two sets of figures from widely recognized sources in order to offer
Congress a sample of the data published on this topic.
The Military Balance
In The Military Balance, military expenditures are defined as the cash outlays
of a central or federal government to meet the costs of national armed forces. The
term “armed forces” includes strategic, land, naval, air, command, administration,
and support forces. It also includes paramilitary forces such as the gendarmerie, as
well as customs service and border guards if these are trained in military tactics,
equipped as a military force and operate under military authority in the event of a2
The IISS produces the most current estimates of foreign military expenditures.
The 2003-2004 edition of The Military Balance contains military expenditure figures
from 2002, while the most recent edition of the U.S. State Department’s WMEAT

1 Other common sources for foreign military budget figures include the United Nations, the
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (for NATO member nations), and the U.S. Department of Defense (for allied
military spending).
2 International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance: 2003-2004, Oxford
University Press, p. 10.

contains military expenditure figures from 1999. The IISS obtains its figures using
data from national governments, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the
United Nations, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE),
and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). However, consistent and accurate data
for many countries are not available even from these sources, as many countries
neither publish their military expenditures nor report them accurately to these
organizations. In these cases, the IISS estimates military expenditures “based on
information from several sources.”3 Such cases are marked with an “E” on Table 1
and Table 2 in this report.
For most countries, the IISS converts budget data into dollars using current
exchange rates in US Dollars. For countries where basic economic data are hard to
obtain, such as former command economies like China, Russia, or countries in
conflict, the IISS uses purchasing power parity (PPP) estimates for its conversions.
PPPs measure the relative purchasing power of different currencies over equivalent
goods and services. This method accounts for the substantial differences in estimated
prices for defense goods.
World Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers
The U.S. State Department Bureau of Arms Control’s World Military
Expenditures and Arms Transfers (WMEAT) report, most recently published on
February 6, 2003, provides figures for the ten-year period from 1989 to 1999.4
WMEAT uses the World Bank’s average 1999 market exchange rates in order to
calculate military expenditures for most countries.5 In cases where no appropriate
exchange rate is available, WMEAT uses PPP estimates.
For NATO members, WMEAT measures military expenditures according to
a common definition that includes military retired pay and military-type expenditures
of defense ministries. In this definition, a) civilian-related expenditures of defense
ministries are excluded and military-related expenditures of other ministries are
included; b) grant military assistance is included in the expenditures of the donor
country; c) purchases of military equipment for credit are included at the time the
debt is incurred, not at the time of payment.
For most other countries, figures represent the expenditures of the ministry of
defense. When these are known to include the costs of internal security, an attempt
is made to remove such expenditures. A wide variety of data sources is used for
these countries, including the publications and data resources of other U.S.

3 Ibid, p.11.
4 Report available online at [].
5 According to the editors of WMEAT, this rate is almost always the IMF’s “rf” rate.

Government agencies, standardized reporting to the United Nations by country, and
other international sources.6
For Russia, China, and many current or former communist countries, WMEAT
estimates military expenditures in different ways. Figures for China are based on
U.S. Government estimates of the yuan costs of Chinese forces, weapons, programs,
and activities. WMEAT warns that figures for Chinese military spending should be
treated as having a wide margin of error.7
Estimates for most states comprising the former Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact
are made by establishing the ratio of military expenditures to Gross National Product
(GNP) in national currencies and then multiplying this ratio by the World Bank’s
estimate of GNP in dollars as converted to international dollars by estimated PPPs
and reported in the World Bank Atlas 1997.8
Using the IISS and WMEAT data, this report presents the following tables and
!Table 1: U.S. and Foreign Defense Spending (by Rank): Data from
the IISS and U.S. Department of State (countries ranked according
to WMEAT figures)
!Table 2: U.S. and Foreign Defense Spending (by Country): Data
from the IISS and U.S. Department of State
!Figure 1: U.S. Defense Expenditures as a Percentage of the Top 10
Defense-Spending Countries, 2002 (IISS figures)
!Figure 2: U.S. Defense Expenditures as a Percentage of the Top 10
Defense-Spending Countries, 1999 (WMEAT figures)
!Figure 3: U.S. Defense Expenditures as a Percentage of the Top 25
Defense-Spending Countries, 2002 (IISS figures)
!Figure 4: U.S. Defense Expenditures as a Percentage of the Top 25
Defense-Spending Countries, 1999 (WMEAT figures)
!Figure 5: Defense Expenditures as a Percentage of GDP: Top 25
Countries, 1999 (WMEAT figures)
!Figure 6: Defense Expenditures as a Percentage of GDP: Top 25
Countries, 2002 (IISS figures)

6 Definitions available at [].
7 Ibid.
8 Ibid.

!Table 3: NATO Defense Expenditures: Data from the IISS and U.S.
Department of State (countries ranked according to IISS figures)
!Figure 7: U.S. Defense Expenditures as a Percentage of NATO
Defense Expenditures, 1999 (WMEAT figures)
!Figure 8: U.S. Defense Expenditures as a Percentage of NATO
Defense Expenditures, 2002 (IISS figures)
!Figure 9: NATO Defense Expenditures as a Percentage of GDP,

1999 (WMEAT figures)

!Figure 10: NATO Defense Expenditures as a Percentage of GDP,

2002 (IISS figures)

Table 1. U.S. and Foreign Defense Spending (by Rank):
Data from the IISS and U.S. Department of State
(current year U.S. dollars in millions)
CountryRankWMEAT IISS Military Balance
1999-2000 2003-2004
Defense % Defense %
Expendit ures GD P Expendit ures GD P
(1999 Data)(2002 Data)
United States1281,0003.0348,5003.3
China – Mainland288,9002.251,0004.1
Japan 3 43,200 1.0 39,500 1.0
France 4 38,900 2.7 40,200 2.5
United Kingdom536,5002.537,3002.4
Russia 6 35,000 5.6 50,800 4.8
Germany 7 32,600 1.6 33,300 1.5
Italy 8 23,700 2.0 25,600 1.9
Saudi Arabia921,20014.922,20012.0
China – Taiwan1015,2005.27,9002.7
South Korea1111,6002.913,3002.8
India 1 2 11,300 2.5 13,800 2.7
T urkey 13 9,950 5.3 9 ,200 5.1
Brazil 1 4 9 ,920 1.9 10,200 2.3
Israel 15 8,700 8.8 9 ,900 9.7
Canada 16 8,320 1.4 8 ,200 1.1
Sp ain 1 7 7 ,560 1.3 8 ,700 1.2
Australia 18 7,060 1.8 8 ,000 2.0
Netherland s 1 9 7 ,030 1.8 7 ,700 1.6
Iran 2 0 6 ,880 2.9 5 ,100 4.6
Poland 21 6,690 2.1 3 ,600 1.9
Greece 22 6,060 4.7 6 ,500 4.4
Sweden 23 5,330 2.3 4 ,200 1.7
Dem. Rep. of Congo245,15014.41,000 E21.7
Ukraine 2 5 5 ,110 3.0 5 ,000 2.2
Myanmar264,6507.83,000 E*5.0
Syria274,4507.01,900 E10.3
Singapore 2 8 4 ,400 4.8 4 ,600 5.2
Argentina 2 9 4 ,300 1.6 1 ,500 1.4
North Korea304,26018.85,000 E25.0

CountryRankWMEAT IISS Military Balance
1999-2000 2003-2004
Defense % Defense %
Expendit ures GD P Expendit ures GD P
(1999 Data)(2002 Data)
Belgium 3 1 3 ,600 1.4 3 ,600 1.3
Pakistan 32 3,520 5.9 2 ,700 3.9
Switzerland 33 3,400 1.2 3 ,000 1.1
Vietnam 3 4 NA NA 2 ,400 7.1
No rway 35 3,310 2.2 3 ,600 1.9
Czech Republic363,0001.31,5002.1
Denmark 3 7 2 ,780 1.6 2 ,700 1.6
Mexico 38 2,700 0.5 5 ,600 0.9
Kuwait 39 2,690 7.7 3 ,500 10.7
Co lo mb ia 40 2,670 3.2 3 ,000 3.7
Angola412,46021.21,000 E9.8
Portugal 4 2 2 ,410 2.2 1 ,700 2.3
Egyp t 4 3 2 ,390 2.7 3 ,300 3.9
Ro mania 4 4 2 ,190 1.6 1 ,100 2.3
United Arab Emirates452,1804.12,800 E4.0
Croatia 46 2,090 6.5 546 2.4
T hailand 47 2,040 1.7 1 ,800 1.5
Libya 4 8 NA NA 562 3.8
Chile 49 1,990 3.0 2 ,700 4.1
South Africa 501,9601.51,8001.7
H unga r y 5 1 1 , 8 8 0 1 . 7 1 , 0 0 0 1 . 8
Algeria 5 2 1 ,830 4.0 3 ,100 5.9
Oman 53 1,780 15.3 2 ,700 13.4
Finland 5 4 1 ,770 1.4 2 ,100 1.4
Austria 5 5 1 ,690 0.8 1 ,800 0.8
Malaysia561,6602.33,400 E3.6
Nigeria571,5601.6511 E1.2
Morocco 58 1,450 4.3 1 ,400 3.6
Indonesia591,4501.16,600 E3.7
Venezuela 6 0 1 ,420 1.4 1 ,100 1.3
Iraq 6 1 1 ,250 5.5 NA NA
Bulgaria 62 1,240 3.0 400 2.5
Peru 63 1,200 2.4 914 1.6

CountryRankWMEAT IISS Military Balance
1999-2000 2003-2004
Defense % Defense %
Expendit ures GD P Expendit ures GD P
(1999 Data)(2002 Data)
Philippines 6 4 1 ,110 1.4 1 ,600 2.1
Qatar651,06010.01,900 E10.6
Serbia/Montenegro661,0305.0746 E5.3
Slovakia 67 1,010 1.8 464 2.0
Uzbekistan 68 933 1.7 1 ,900* 2.9
Azerbaij an 69 927 6.6 900* 3.3
Belarus 7 0 925 1.3 2 ,000* 2.5
Ireland 71 779 1.0 759 0.6
Afgha nistan 7 2 NA NA NA NA
Sri Lanka737294.75333.2
Jordan 74 725 9.2 893 9.3
Kazakhstan 7 5 671 0.9 2 ,100* 2.0
Lebano n 7 6 653 3.9 536 3.2
Cuba 77 630 1.9 1 ,100 3.9
Bangladesh 7 8 624 1.3 675 1.4
New Zealand795871.26671.2
Armenia 8 0 570 5.8 650* 6.4
T urkmenistan 81 542 3.4 300* 0.8
Ethiopia825338.8467 E8.0
Ecuador834793.7724 E3.0
Slovenia 84 436 1.4 329 1.5
Sudan854244.8665 E4.9
Bahrain 8 6 415 8.0 331 4.0
Yemen873746.0515 E5.7
T unisia 8 8 357 1.8 404 1.8
Cambodia 8 9 332 4.0 9 2 2 .5
Lithuania 9 0 314 1.3 247 1.8
Cyprus 91 309 3.4 240 2.4
Brunei 9 2 295 4.0 267 5.2
Kyrgyzstan 93 285 2.4 280* 1.9
Bosnia-Hercegovina 9 4 276 4.4 189 3.8
U r ugua y 9 5 2 7 5 1 . 3 2 2 4 1 . 8
Zimbabwe962635.0674 E3.4

CountryRankWMEAT IISS Military Balance
1999-2000 2003-2004
Defense % Defense %
Expendit ures GD P Expendit ures GD P
(1999 Data)(2002 Data)
Macedonia972282.5101 E2.7
Botswana982224.7269 E4.5
Eritrea99 20827.4106 E16.0
Kenya1002001.9368 E3.2
Esto nia 101 173 1.5 9 9 1 .6
Georgia 102 165 1.2 250* 1.7
Bolivia 103 148 1.8 125 1.6
Cameroon 104 148 1.8 129 1.2
Latvia 105 144 1.0 149 1.8
Luxembourg 106 141 0.8 204 0.9
Uganda1071402.3167 E2.7
Panama1081241.4138 E1.3
Dominican Republic1091230.81610.7
Tanzania110 1221.4135 E1.5
Guatemala1111210.7192 E0.8
El Salvador1121100.91641.2
Mozambique113942.580 E2.0
Gabon114932.479 E1.7
Trinidad and Tobago115921.4670.7
Namibia 116 91 2.9 8 3 2 .8
Rwanda117874.472 E4.1
Paraguay 118 84 1.1 5 7 1 .0
Ivory Coast119820.8144 E1.4
Senegal 120 81 1.7 6 9 1 .3
T aj ikistan 121 80 1.3 130* 1.7
Albania 122 72 1.3 113 2.5
Costa Rica123690.5940.6
Ghana124620.831 E0.5
Congo125583.593 E3.1
Mali 126 58 2.3 7 2 2 .3
Guinea127541.661 E1.8
Jamaica 128 51 0.8 3 7 0 .5
Haiti129NANA32 E1.0

CountryRankWMEAT IISS Military Balance
1999-2000 2003-2004
Defense % Defense %
Expendit ures GD P Expendit ures GD P
(1999 Data)(2002 Data)
Burundi130497.040 E5.9
Madagascar131451.248 E1.0
Nepal 132 44 0.9 105 1.9
Moldova133430.5160 E1.7
Burkina Faso134421.643 E1.5
Somalia135NANA40 E4.0
Chad136372.514 E0.8
Mauritania137374.017 E1.7
Papua New Guinea138361.1 140.5
Fij i 139 35 2.0 2 8 1 .6
Ho nd uras 140 34 7.0 115 1.7
Benin141341.449 E1.8
Zamb ia 142 31 1.0 2 6 0 .7
Central African143292.821 E2.1
Leso tho 144 29 2.6 2 2 2 .9
Malta 145 28 0.8 2 7 0 .7
Laos146282.015 E0.8
T o go 147 25 1.8 2 4 1 .8
Nicaragua 148 24 1.2 3 3 1 .3
Niger149241.234 E1.6
Djibouti150234.423 E3.8
Swaziland 151 21 1.8 NA NA
Sierra Leone152203.118 E2.2
Equatorial Guinea153193.350.2
Mongo lia 154 18 2.1 2 5 2 .2
Suriname155141.89 E5.0
Barbados 156 12 0.5 1 3 0 .5
Belize 157 11 1.6 1 9 2 .3
Malawi 158 10 5.6 1 3 0 .7
Maur itius 1 5 9 9 0 .2 8 0 .1
Liberia16061.325 E4.5
Guinea-Bissau 161 6 2 .9 4 1 .6
Cape Verde16250.993.2

CountryRankWMEAT IISS Military Balance
1999-2000 2003-2004
Defense % Defense %
Expendit ures GD P Expendit ures GD P
(1999 Data)(2002 Data)
Guyana 163 5 0 .8 5 0 .7
The Gambia16451.331.0
Sao Tome & Principe16500.0NANA
Iceland 166 0 0 .0 0 0 .0
Bahamas 167 NA NA 26 0.5
Seychelles 168 NA NA 12 1.7
Antigua 169NANA40.6
Grand Total844,665889,170
* These figures are based on purchasing power parity (PPP) estimates. PPPs measure the relative
purchasing power of different currencies over equivalent goods and services. This method better
accounts for the substantial differences in relative prices for defense goods.
E These figures were estimated by IISS and not based on reported data from the individual country.

Table 2. U.S. and Foreign Defense Spending (by Country):
Data from the IISS and U.S. Department of State
(current year U.S. dollars in millions)
CountryRankWMEAT IISS Military Balance
1999-2000 2003-2004
Defense % Defense %
Expendit ures GD P Expendit ures GD P
(1999 Data)(2002 Data)
Afgha nistan 7 2 NA NA NA NA
Albania 122 72 1.3 113 2.5
Algeria 5 2 1 ,830 4.0 3 ,100 5.9
Angola412,46021.21,000 E9.8
Antigua and Barbuda169NANA40.6
Argentina 2 9 4 ,300 1.6 1 ,500 1.4
Armenia 8 0 570 5.8 650* 6.4
Australia 18 7,060 1.8 8 ,000 2.0
Austria 5 5 1 ,690 0.8 1 ,800 0.8
Azerbaij an 69 927 6.6 900* 3.3
Bahamas 167 NA NA 26 0.5
Bahrain 8 6 415 8.0 331 4.0
Bangladesh 7 8 624 1.3 675 1.4
Barbados 156 12 0.5 1 3 0 .5
Belarus 7 0 925 1.3 2 ,000* 2.5
Belgium 3 1 3 ,600 1.4 3 ,600 1.3
Belize 157 11 1.6 1 9 2 .3
Benin141341.449 E1.8
Bolivia 103 148 1.8 125 1.6
Bosnia-Hercegovina 9 4 276 4.4 189 3.8
Botswana982224.7269 E4.5
Brazil 1 4 9 ,920 1.9 10,200 2.3
Brunei 9 2 295 4.0 267 5.2
Bulgaria 62 1,240 3.0 400 2.5
Burkina Faso134421.643 E1.5
Burundi130497.040 E5.9
Cambodia 8 9 332 4.0 9 2 2 .5
Cameroon 104 148 1.8 129 1.2
Canada 16 8,320 1.4 8 ,200 1.1
Cape Verde16250.993.2

CountryRankWMEAT IISS Military Balance
1999-2000 2003-2004
Defense % Defense %
Expendit ures GD P Expendit ures GD P
(1999 Data)(2002 Data)
Central African143292.821 E2.1
Chad136372.514 E0.8
Chile 49 1,990 3.0 2 ,700 4.1
China – Taiwan1015,2005.27,9002.7
China – Mainland288,9002.251,0004.1
Co lo mb ia 40 2,670 3.2 3 ,000 3.7
Congo125583.593 E3.1
Costa Rica123690.5940.6
Croatia 46 2,090 6.5 546 2.4
Cuba 77 630 1.9 1 ,100 3.9
Cyprus 91 309 3.4 240 2.4
Czech Republic363,0001.31,5002.1
Dem. Rep. of Congo245,15014.41,000 E21.7
Denmark 3 7 2 ,780 1.6 2 ,700 1.6
Djibouti150234.423 E3.8
Dominican Republic1091230.81610.7
Ecuador834793.7724 E3.0
Egyp t 4 3 2 ,390 2.7 3 ,300 3.9
El Salvador1121100.91641.2
Equatorial Guinea153193.350.2
Eritrea9920827.4106 E16.0
Esto nia 101 173 1.5 9 9 1 .6
Ethiopia825338.8467 E8.0
Fij i 139 35 2.0 2 8 1 .6
Finland 5 4 1 ,770 1.4 2 ,100 1.4
France 4 38,900 2.7 40,200 2.5
Gabon114932.479 E1.7
Georgia 102 165 1.2 250* 1.7
Germany 7 32,600 1.6 33,300 1.5
Ghana124620.831 E0.5
Greece 22 6,060 4.7 6 ,500 4.4
Guatemala1111210.7192 E0.8
Guinea127541.661 E1.8

CountryRankWMEAT IISS Military Balance
1999-2000 2003-2004
Defense % Defense %
Expendit ures GD P Expendit ures GD P
(1999 Data)(2002 Data)
Guinea-Bissau 161 6 2 .9 4 1 .6
Guyana 163 5 0 .8 5 0 .7
Haiti129NANA32 E1.0
Ho nd uras 140 34 7.0 115 1.7
H unga r y 5 1 1 , 8 8 0 1 . 7 1 , 0 0 0 1 . 8
Iceland 166 0 0 .0 0 0 .0
India 1 2 11,300 2.5 13,800 2.7
Indonesia591,4501.16,600 E3.7
Iran 2 0 6 ,880 2.9 5 ,100 4.6
Iraq 6 1 1 ,250 5.5 NA NA
Ireland 71 779 1.0 759 0.6
Israel 15 8,700 8.8 9 ,900 9.7
Italy 8 23,700 2.0 25,600 1.9
Ivory Coast119820.8144 E1.4
Jamaica 128 51 0.8 3 7 0 .5
Japan 3 43,200 1.0 39,500 1.0
Jordan 74 725 9.2 893 9.3
Kazakhstan 7 5 671 0.9 2 ,100* 2.0
Kenya1002001.9368 E3.2
Kuwait 39 2,690 7.7 3 ,500 10.7
Kyrgyzstan 93 285 2.4 280* 1.9
Laos146282.015 E0.8
Latvia 105 144 1.0 149 1.8
Lebano n 7 6 653 3.9 536 3.2
Leso tho 144 29 2.6 2 2 2 .9
Liberia16061.325 E4.5
Libya 4 8 NA NA 562 3.8
Lithuania 9 0 314 1.3 247 1.8
Luxembourg 106 141 0.8 204 0.9
Macedonia972282.5101 E2.7
Madagascar131451.248 E1.0
Malawi 158 10 5.6 1 3 0 .7
Malaysia561,6602.33,400 E3.6

CountryRankWMEAT IISS Military Balance
1999-2000 2003-2004
Defense % Defense %
Expendit ures GD P Expendit ures GD P
(1999 Data)(2002 Data)
Mali 126 58 2.3 7 2 2 .3
Malta 145 28 0.8 2 7 0 .7
Mauritania137374.017 E1.7
Maur itius 1 5 9 9 0 .2 8 0 .1
Mexico 38 2,700 0.5 5 ,600 0.9
Moldova133430.5160 E1.7
Mongo lia 154 18 2.1 2 5 2 .2
Morocco 58 1,450 4.3 1 ,400 3.6
Mozambique113942.580 E2.0
Myanmar264,6507.83,000 E*5.0
Namibia 116 91 2.9 8 3 2 .8
Nepal 132 44 0.9 105 1.9
Netherland s 1 9 7 ,030 1.8 7 ,700 1.6
New Zealand795871.26671.2
Nicaragua 148 24 1.2 3 3 1 .3
Niger149241.234 E1.6
Nigeria571,5601.6511 E1.2
North Korea304,26018.85,000 E25.0
No rway 35 3,310 2.2 3 ,600 1.9
Oman 53 1,780 15.3 2 ,700 13.4
Pakistan 32 3,520 5.9 2 ,700 3.9
Panama1081241.4138 E1.3
Papua New Guinea138361.1140.5
Paraguay 118 84 1.1 5 7 1 .0
Peru 63 1,200 2.4 914 1.6
Philippines 6 4 1 ,110 1.4 1 ,600 2.1
Poland 21 6,690 2.1 3 ,600 1.9
Portugal 4 2 2 ,410 2.2 1 ,700 2.3
Qatar651,06010.01,900 E10.6
Ro mania 4 4 2 ,190 1.6 1 ,100 2.3
Russia 6 35,000 5.6 50,800 4.8
Rwanda117874.472 E4.1
Sao Tome and Principe16500.0NANA

CountryRankWMEAT IISS Military Balance
1999-2000 2003-2004
Defense % Defense %
Expendit ures GD P Expendit ures GD P
(1999 Data)(2002 Data)
Saudi Arabia921,20014.922,20012.0
Senegal 120 81 1.7 6 9 1 .3
Serbia/Montenegro661,0305.0746 E5.3
Seychelles 168 NA NA 12 1.7
Sierra Leone152203.118 E2.2
Singapore 2 8 4 ,400 4.8 4 ,600 5.2
Slovakia 67 1,010 1.8 464 2.0
Slovenia 84 436 1.4 329 1.5
Somalia135NANA40 E4.0
South Korea1111,6002.913,3002.8
South Africa 501,9601.51,8001.7
Sp ain 1 7 7 ,560 1.3 8 ,700 1.2
Sri Lanka737294.75333.2
Sudan854244.8665 E4.9
Suriname155141.89 E5.0
Swaziland 151 21 1.8 NA NA
Sweden 23 5,330 2.3 4 ,200 1.7
Switzerland 33 3,400 1.2 3 ,000 1.1
Syria274,4507.01,900 E10.3
T aj ikistan 121 80 1.3 130* 1.7
Tanzania1101221.4135 E1.5
T hailand 47 2,040 1.7 1 ,800 1.5
The Gambia16451.331.0
T o go 147 25 1.8 2 4 1 .8
Trinidad and Tobago115921.4670.7
T unisia 8 8 357 1.8 404 1.8
T urkey 13 9,950 5.3 9 ,200 5.1
T urkmenistan 81 542 3.4 300* 0.8
Uganda1071402.3167 E2.7
Ukraine 2 5 5 ,110 3.0 5 ,000 2.2
United Kingdom536,5002.537,3002.4
United Arab Emirates452,1804.12,800 E4.0
United States1281,0003.0348,5003.3

CountryRankWMEAT IISS Military Balance
1999-2000 2003-2004
Defense % Defense %
Expendit ures GD P Expendit ures GD P
(1999 Data)(2002 Data)
U r ugua y 9 5 2 7 5 1 . 3 2 2 4 1 . 8
Uzbekistan 68 933 1.7 1 ,900* 2.9
Venezuela 6 0 1 ,420 1.4 1 ,100 1.3
Vietnam 3 4 NA NA 2 ,400 7.1
Yemen873746.0515 E5.7
Zamb ia 142 31 1.0 2 6 0 .7
Zimbabwe962635.0674 E3.4
Grand Total844,665889,170
* These figures are based on purchasing power parity (PPP) estimates. PPPs measure the relative
purchasing power of different currencies over equivalent goods and services. This method better
accounts for the substantial differences in relative prices for defense goods.
E These figures were estimated by IISS and not based on reported data from the individual country.

Figure 1. U.S. Defense Expenditures as a
Percentage of the Top 10 Defense-Spending
Countries, 2002
*Countries #2 - #10: China, Russia, France, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, India, Japan, Saudi Arabia
Figure 2. U.S. Defense Expenditures as a
Percentage of the Top 10 Defense-Spending
Countries, 1999
*Countries #2 - #10: China, Russia, France, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Japan, Saudi Arabia, China-
Ta i wa n

Figure 3. U.S. Defense Expenditures as a
Percentage of the Top 25 Defense-Spending
Countries, 2002
*Countries #2 - #25: China, Russia, France, Japan, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Saudi Arabia, India, South
Korea, Brazil, Israel, Turkey, Spain, Canada, Australia, China - Taiwan, Netherlands, Indonesia, Greece, Mexico,
Iran, Ukraine, N. Korea
Figure 4. U.S. Defense Expenditures as a
Percentage of the Top 25 Defense-Spending
Countries, 1999
*Countries #2 - #25: China, Japan, France, United Kingdom, Russia, Germany, Italy, Saudi Arabia, China-
Taiwan, South Korea, India, Turkey, Brazil, Israel, Canada, Spain, Australia, Netherlands, Poland, Iran, Greece,
Sweden, Dem. Rep. of Congo, Ukraine

Figure 5. Defense Expenditures as a Percentage of
GDP Top 25 Countries, 1999
Note: The United States, with defense spending at 3.0% of GDP in 1999 according to WMEAT, would rank #50
on this chart.

Figure 6. Defense Expenditures as a Percentage of GDP
Top 25 Countries, 2002
Note: The United States, with defense spending at 3.3% of GDP in 2002 according to the IISS, would rank #47
on this chart.

Table 3. NATO Defense Expenditures:
Data from the IISS and U.S. Dept. of State
(current year U.S. dollars in millions)
CountryRankWMEATIISS Military Balance
1999-2000 2003-2004
Defense % Defense %
Expenditures GDPExpendituresGDP
(1999 Data)(2002 Data)
United States 1281,0003.0%348,5003.3
France 2 38,900 2.7 40,200 2.5
United Kingdom336,5002.537,3002.4
Germany 4 32,600 1.6 33,300 1.5
Italy 5 23,700 2.0 25,600 1.9
T urkey 6 9 ,950 5.3 9 ,200 5.1
Canada 7 8 ,320 1.4 8 ,200 1.1
Sp ain 8 7,560 1.3 8 ,700 1.2
Netherland s 9 7,030 1.8 7 ,700 1.6
Poland 10 6,690 2.1 3 ,600 1.9
Greece 11 6,060 4.7 6 ,500 4.4
Belgium 1 2 3 ,600 1.4 3 ,600 1.3
No rway 13 3,310 2.2 3 ,600 1.9
Czech Republic143,0002.31,5002.1
Denmark 1 5 2 ,780 1.6 2 ,700 1.6
Portugal 1 6 2 ,410 2.2 3 ,100 2.3
H unga r y 1 7 1 , 8 8 0 1 . 7 1 , 0 0 0 1 . 8
Luxembourg 18 141 0.8 192 0.9
Iceland 1 9 0 0.0 0 0.0
Grand Total475,431 544,942

Figure 7. U.S. Defense Expenditures as a
Percentage of NATO Defense Expenditures, 1999
*Non-U.S. NATO: United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Greece, Czech Republic, Norway,
Portugal, Poland, Italy, Netherlands, Hungary, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, Canada, Spain, Luxembourg,
Icel an d
Figure 8. U.S. Defense Expenditures as a Percentage of
NATO Defense Expenditures, 2002
*Non-U.S. NATO: United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Greece, Czech Republic, Norway,
Portugal, Poland, Italy, Netherlands, Hungary, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, Canada, Spain, Luxembourg,
Icel an d

Figure 9. NATO Defense Expenditures as a Percentage
of GDP, 2002

Figure 10. NATO Defense Expenditures as a Percentage
of GDP, 1999