Historic Preservation: Background and Funding

Historic Preservation: Background and Funding
Updated January 22, 2007
Susan Boren
Specialist in Social Legislation
Domestic Social Policy Division

Historic Preservation: Background and Funding
Historic preservation can be defined as the protection of cultural resources. It
is supported through a variety of federal government, state government, and private
programs. Among the major historic preservation programs given federal support are
the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF), the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation,
and the National Register of Historic Places. All of these were created, authorized,
or amended by the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (P.L. 89-665), as
Some Members of Congress support proposals to eliminate a federal
government role in financing historic preservation programs, leaving such programs
to be sustained by other levels of government or private support. Others feel a
federal role in supporting historic preservation should be maintained. The National
Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) Amendments of 2000, enacted as P.L. 106-208,
reauthorized the HPF and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation through
FY2005. The House Subcommittee on National Parks of the Committee on
Resources held oversight hearings on the NHPA (May 21, 2005). S. 1378 and H.R.
5861 (and related bill H.R. 3446) were introduced to reauthorize the HPF (Section
8, NHPA) and primarily to amend provisions pertaining to the operation of the
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. H.R. 5861, the National Historic
Preservation Act Amendments Act of 2006, passed the House on September 25,

2006, and S. 1378 passed the Senate on September 29, 2006 (S.Rept. 109-235). S.

1378, as amended, was cleared for the White House on December 9, 2006, and was
enacted as P.L. 109-453 on December 22, 2006. P.L. 109-453 reauthorized the HPF
through FY2015. For FY2007, the Senate Appropriations Committee approved
$70.7 million for the HPF, $44.5 million below the FY2006 appropriation ($115.2
million) and $1.2 million below the Administration’s FY2007 budget of $71.9
million. The FY2006 figure included a $43.0 million emergency appropriation to
help historic sites recover from Hurricane Katrina. Both the House-passed and Senate
Appropriations Committee-reported bill for FY2007 would have included $35.7
million for grants-in-aid to state historic preservation offices, $3.9 million for Tribal
grants, and $1.0 million for preserving and restoring historic buildings and structures
on campuses of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).
During the 109th Congress, both the full House and the Senate Appropriations
Committee disagreed with the Administration’s FY2007 request to create the
America’s Heritage and Preservation Partnership program within the Historic
Preservation Fund and to reduce National Heritage areas by 50%. The Administration
sought to combine funding for National Heritage Areas, Save America’s Treasures,
and Preserve America Grants. Both the House and the Senate Appropriations
Committees would have retained the Heritage Partnership program within the
National Recreation and Preservation programs line item. The Senate Appropriations
Committee-reported bill would have provided $30.0 million for Save America’s
Treasures, whereas the House-passed bill would have provided $15.0 million. Alsoth
during the 109 Congress, the third continuing appropriations resolution for FY2007
extended appropriations through February 15, 2007, at the spending level of the
lower of FY2006, the House-passed, or Senate-passed FY2007 levels.

In troduction ......................................................1
Selected Federal Preservation Programs................................2
Save America’s Treasures...................................3
Preserve America..........................................3
The National Trust for Historic Preservation.....................4
The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation..................4
The National Register of Historic Places........................5
National Historic Landmarks.................................6
FY2006 Funding..........................................6
FY2006 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations................6
FY2007 Funding..........................................7
List of Tables
Table 1. Historic Preservation Programs — Appropriations,
FY2002-FY2007 ..............................................8

Historic Preservation:
Background and Funding
This report summarizes the federal role in historic preservation. It provides
descriptions of and funding information for some of the major preservation programs,
including the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF), the Advisory Council on Historic
Preservation, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, and the National Register
of Historic Places. Some Members of Congress have given historic preservation
programs close scrutiny, recommending that these programs be supported
increasingly by the private sector. The FY2007 House-passed Interior appropriations
bill (H.R. 5386) would have provided $58.6 million for the HPF, compared to the
Senate Appropriations Committee-reported bill, which would have provided $70.7
million — both amounts are below the FY2007 Administration budget amount of
$71.9 million. The final FY2006 emergency supplemental appropriations for
hurricane recovery (P.L. 109-234) provided $43.0 million for the HPF, for repair of
historic structures damaged by hurricanes, an amount that exceeds the current
FY2006 appropriation for grants-in-aid to states ($35.7 million) under HPF
programs. The National Historic Preservation Act of 2006 was enacted ( P.L. 109-
453) on December 22, 2006, to extend the National Historic Preservation Act
(NHPA). Both H.R. 5861 (which passed the House on September 25, 2006) and S.
1378 (S.Rept. 109-235)(which passed the Senate on September 29, 2006) extended
the NHPA through FY2015. The Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2007
(H.R. 5631, P.L.109-289) contained a continuing resolution for funding programs
including HPF through November 17, 2006. A third continuing resolution, P.L. 109-
383, provided funding for the HPF through February 15, 2007, at the lower of the
FY2006, House-passed, or Senate passed FY2007 levels. The House-passed FY2007
level ($58.6 million) was the lowest appropriation level provided.
Historic preservation can be defined as the protection of cultural resources. It
is supported through a variety of federal government, state government, and private
programs. Although it is not within the purview of this report to discuss all federal
programs that support historic preservation, a selected few are highlighted. Among
the major historic preservation programs given federal support are the Historic
Preservation Fund (HPF), the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and the
National Register of Historic Places. All of these were created, authorized, or
amended by the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (P.L. 89-665), as
amended. Some Members of Congress support proposals to eliminate a federal
government role in financing historic preservation programs, leaving such programs
to be sustained by other levels of government or private support. Others feel a
federal role in supporting historic preservation should be maintained. The National

Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) Amendments of 2000, enacted as P.L. 106-208,
reauthorized the HPF and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation through
FY2005. The House Subcommittee on National Parks of the Committee on
Resources held oversight hearings on the NHPA (May 21, 2005). S. 1378 and H.R.
5861 were introduced to reauthorize the HPF (Section 8, NHPA) and primarily to
amend provisions pertaining to the operation of the Advisory Council on Historic
Preservation. Both the House-passed bill (H.R. 5861) and the Senate-passed bill, S.

1378 (S.Rept. 109-235), had provisions to reauthorize the NHPA through 2015.

Both bills extended authority to fund the HPF through annual deposits of $150
million earned from oil and gas development from the Outer Continental shelf. The
House-passed bill (H.R. 5861) would have provided that a certified local government
must allow due process to property owners who might object to an eligibility
determination on their property. It also sought to protect applicants who must
submit to §106 review from being required to fund surveys and studies to determine
potential effects on historic properties that are beyond their identified area. The
Senate passed S. 1378 on September 29, 2006. The National Historic Preservation
Act Amendments Act of 2006, S. 1378 as amended, was enacted on December 22,

2006, as P.L. 109-453.

Selected Federal Preservation Programs
The HPF, administered by the National Park Service, provides grants-in-aid
(funded on a 60% federal/40% state matching share basis) to states and territories for
activities specified in the NHPA.1 States carry out program purposes2 directly
through State Historic Preservation Offices (SHPOs) or subgrants and contracts with
public and private agencies, organizations, institutions of higher education, and
private individuals. Section 103(c) of NHPA, as amended, requires 10% of each
state’s annual allocation distributed by the Secretary of the Interior to be transferred3
to local governments that are certified eligible under program regulations. The HPF
also administers a grant program for Indian Tribes, Alaska Natives, and Native

1 The HPF was established as a funding source for NHPA activities in 1976, when it was
amended by P.L. 94-422 (which amended the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of
1965 and established the NHPA) and was further amended by P.L. 102-575 (the
Reclamation Projects Authorization and Adjustment Act of 1992, containing the National
Historic Preservation Amendments of 1992). Section 108 of the act provides the HPF with
$150 million in annual revenue from Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) mineral receipts.
Section 108 allows annual transfers from OCS receipts. However, Congress has rarely
approved more than half of the $150 million annually, and has $2.8 billion in unexpended
dollars from these deposits.
2 Some of the expressed purposes include the following: to conduct a comprehensive survey
of historic properties (approximately 222,000 properties nationwide), to help develop
comprehensive statewide historic preservation plans, and to advise and assist in the
evaluation of proposals for rehabilitation projects that may qualify for federal financial or
tax assistance.
3 According to the NPS, approximately $40 million in HPF grants has been allocated to the
Certified Local Government program since 1985. Currently, there are approximately 1,228
certified local governments in charge of local historic preservation programs.

Hawaiians for cultural heritage projects. In addition, the fund has provided matching
grants to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to preserve
threatened historic buildings on their campuses.4 In recent years, HBCU preservation
funding has ranged from $2.9 million to $3.5 million, with $2.9 million provided in
FY2006. The FY2007 Administration budget would have eliminated such funding.
Both the House-passed and Senate Appropriations Committee-reported bills would
have provided $1.0 million in funding for HBCU’s for FY2007.
Save America’s Treasures. Save America’s Treasures grants, under the
jurisdiction of HPF, are given to preserve “nationally significant intellectual and
cultural artifacts and historic structures,” including monuments, historic sites,
artifacts, collections, artwork, documents, manuscripts, photographs, maps, journals,
still and moving images, and sound recordings. Funds were appropriated in FY1999
(the first year of its creation) and used for restoration of the Star-Spangled Banner,
the Declaration of Independence, and the U.S. Constitution, as well as for federal
agencies’ historic preservation priority millennium projects. Other properties
throughout the United States receiving Save America’s Treasures grants included the
Rosa Parks Museum in Alabama, the Mark Twain House in Connecticut, and the
Sewall-Belmont House (the National Woman’s Party headquarters) in Washington,
D.C. Although appropriations were continued for Save America’s Treasures for
FY2000 and FY2001, criticism was lodged generally against the program, alleging
a lack of geographic diversity. As a result, the FY2001 Interior appropriations law
(P.L. 106-291) required that project recommendations be subject to formal approval
by the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations prior to the distribution of
funds. These projects require a 50% cost share, and no single project can receive
more than one grant from this program. The final appropriation for FY2006 was
$29.6 million, with a portion specified by Congress for designated projects; the
FY2007 request for Save America’s Treasures was $14.8 million.
Preserve America. The FY2006 and the FY2007 Administration budgets
requested funding for a “Preserve America” grants program (established by
Executive Order 13287) that is characterized as a supplement to the Save America’s
Treasures program. The Preserve America program would provide assistance to
encourage community preservation of cultural, historic, and natural heritage through
education and heritage tourism. Preserve America grants would be awarded on a
50/50 matching basis, as one-time seed money. The FY2005 appropriations law did
not include funding for Preserve America. The FY2006 final appropriation included
language specifying that up to $5.0 million of the Save America’s Treasures
allocation could be used to provide for Preserve America pilot grants.
The FY2007 House-passed Interior appropriations bill would have provided
$15.0 million for Save America’s Treasures and $3.0 million for Preserve America.

4 In FY1995, Morris-Brown College, Atlanta, Georgia, and Shaw University, Raleigh, North
Carolina, received grants to help preserve their historic buildings. On Nov. 12, 1996,
provisions of H.R. 1179 (the Historically Black Colleges and Universities Historic Building
Restoration and Preservation Act) became part of the Omnibus Parks and Public Lands
Management Act of 1996 (P.L. 104-333). Funds in Section 507 were provided to specific

The FY2007 Senate Appropriations Committee-reported bill would have provided
$30.0 million for Save America’s Treasures, of which $10.0 million could be used
for Preserve America grants.
The National Trust for Historic Preservation. The National Trust no
longer receives an annual federal appropriation through the NHPA (except for funds
expressly earmarked for its endowment for endangered properties in FY2002,
FY2003, and FY2004).5 The Trust was chartered by Congress in 1949 as an
organization national in scope. It is a private nonprofit corporation, responsible for
encouraging the protection and preservation of historic American sites, buildings, and
objects that are significant to the cultural heritage of the United States. The Trust
owns some historic properties, 17 of which are historic houses that are operated as
museums. These include such houses as the Frank Lloyd Wright home and studio
in Oak Park, Illinois, and Woodlawn Plantation at Mount Vernon, Virginia. The
Trust provides technical and educational services and promotes historic preservation
activities from regional offices, as well as through its Washington, D.C. headquarters.
It maintains several financial assistance programs, including the National
Preservation Loan Fund, providing below-market-rate loans to nonprofit
organizations and public agencies to help preserve properties listed in the National
Register of Historic Places, particularly those on the Trust’s “Most Endangered
Historic Places” list. The final FY2004 appropriation provided $494,000 for a grant
to the “endowment”of the National Trust Historic Sites Fund, to be matched dollar
for dollar with non-federal funds, for the care and maintenance of historic sites,
including restoration and protection of the most endangered historic places. FY2004
was the last year the Trust’s endowment was funded through Interior appropriations.
The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. The Advisory Council,
in cooperation with the Secretary of the Interior, helps to manage the NHP programs
as authorized under the NHPA. Those programs include, but are not limited to, the
HPF and the National Register. The Advisory Council oversees the Section 106
NHPA authority for consultation, the primary federal mechanism for protecting
historical properties.6 In addition to consultation, the Advisory Council provides
coordination, mediation, education, and advice on historic preservation matters. It

5 The conference agreement (H.Rept. 104-402) for the Department of Interior and Related
Agencies Appropriations Act for FY1996 stated that the managers agree “to a 3-year period
of transition for the National Trust for Historic Preservation to replace federal funds with
private funding.” The House Reports (H.Rept. 104-625) accompanying the FY1997 Interior
Appropriations and the FY1998 Interior Appropriations (H.Rept. 105-163) indicated that
the National Trust should become self-supporting by FY1999. From FY1998 through
FY2001 there was no further federal funding for the National Trust. For FY2002, FY2003,
and FY2004, an appropriation was provided to the Trust to help sustain its “endowment”
for endangered historic properties. Also, the language of the law does not preclude the Trust
from accepting some federal funds for NHPA purposes, although it is no longer on a
permanent annual basis.
6 In 1966, Congress created a process in Section 106 of NHPA that requires federal agencies
to take into account the effects of their actions on historic properties. Congress also charged
the Council with commenting on those actions and administering Section 106 of NHPA.
Section 106 of the act has become a tool for the public and governmental representatives to
interact in decision-making that affects communities’ heritage across the United States.

does not have responsibility for making historic agencies’ final decisions, or
controlling property actions, although during the Section 106 process, its
recommendations are to be seriously considered. The Advisory Council works
closely with federal agencies and state historic preservation officers.7
The Advisory Council is an independent federal agency established to help
shape national policies dealing with preservation of cultural heritage. It was
composed of 20 members and a small professional staff. Eleven members were
presidentially appointed: the chairman, three members from the general public, a
governor, a mayor, four experts from preservation-related disciplines, and a Native
American or Native Hawaiian. The Council also included six federal agency heads
whose activities affect historic preservation (the Secretaries of Agriculture, Interior,
Housing and Urban Development, and Transportation; the Administrators of the
Environmental Protection Agency and the General Services Administration), the
Architect of the Capitol, and ex-officio representatives of the National Trust for
Historic Preservation and the National Conference of State Historic Preservation
Officers. In the 109th Congress, P.L. 109-453 reauthorized the HPF through FY2015
and amended provisions for the operation of the Advisory Council. It added
members to the Council, and authorized “amounts as necessary” for appropriations
for the Advisory Council. It provided that the Council may make recommendations
for funding levels for federal grants and assistance programs meeting the purposes
and policies of the National Historic Preservation Act. The new law (P.L.109-453)
provides that the Advisory Council may enter cooperative agreements with federal
agencies that administer grant assistance programs in order to improve effectiveness
of the administration of programs to meet the policies of the NHPA.
The National Register of Historic Places. The National Register is
maintained by the Department of the Interior (DOI) and in particular by the National8
Park Service under the authority of the NHPA as amended. The National Register
stands as the United States “official list” of properties significant in “American
history, architecture, archeology, engineering and culture.” The NHPA requires the
Interior Secretary to maintain the Register, develop guidelines and regulations for
nominations, consider appeals, make determinations of eligibility of properties, and
make the National Register accessible to the public. The National Register
information is used for public education efforts, planning, and setting preservation
compliance standards, all of which assist in the preservation of cultural resources.
The National Register develops standards and guidelines to help federal, state, and

7 The Advisory Council was established by Title II of the NHPA of 1966 (16 U.S.C. § 470).
Some of the issues the Advisory Council has had as its charge include working with the
Department of Housing and Urban Development’s HOME program for affordable housing
while preserving historic areas, improving preservation of historic properties during natural
disasters, and promoting preservation and reuse of historic properties during military base
closures. The Advisory Council was previously authorized through FY2005, and has had
its funding extended by P.L.109-453.
8 Although the primary authority for operating the National Register is the NHPA (originally
enacted as P.L. 89-665), other laws that affect administration of the National Register
include, but are not limited to, the Antiquities Act of 1906, the Historic Sites Act of 1935,
the Archeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974, and the Archeological Resources
Protection Act of 1979, as amended.

local governments to prepare nominations for the Register.9 As part of the National
Register program, DOI has developed a National Register Information System
(NRIS) computerized database — an automated system that gives information on the
National Register’s more than 79,000 listings available for use by states, federal
agencies, and the public.10
National Historic Landmarks. The actual designation of National Historic
Landmarks (NHL) as properties of national significance is a separate program under
the National Register, and is also supported by federal funds. NHLs that are listed
in the Register are a relatively small group of registered properties, representing an
estimated 3% of all entries in the Register (consisting of approximately 2,300). They
are designated by the Secretary of the Interior under the authority of the Historic Sites
Act of 1935.
Funding for FY2006 and FY2007
FY2006 Funding. The FY2006 Interior appropriations (P. 109-54) provided
$72.2 million for the HPF. During House debate on the FY2006 interior
appropriations, the Chairman of the House Resources Committee objected to the
appropriation for the HPF (and other programs) on the grounds that it was not
authorized for FY2006, and that there should be no appropriation without an
authorization. His amendment on this issue was ruled out of order as constituting
legislation on an appropriations bill.
FY2006 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations. Additional funding
for FY2006 was provided by the FY2006 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations
for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Hurricane Recovery, P.L. 109-234. The
House-passed bill (H.R. 4939) would have provided $3 million, and the Senate
version would have provided $83 million (S.Rept. 109-235) to the HPF for repair and
rehabilitation of historic structures damaged by hurricanes Katrina and Rita. The
final law provided $43 million for the HPF for hurricane recovery. This included
funding to establish a specialized grant-in-aid program for repair and rehabilitation
of historic structures (particularly those on the National Register of Historic Places)
that were damaged by hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Grants are to be directed to
endangered historic properties that sustained the most hurricane damage. No non-
federal matching is required, and not more than 5% of the funds may be used for
administrative expenses. According to the National Trust for Historic Preservation,
thousands of historic homes have been lost and tens of thousands of historic
properties have been damaged by hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

9 National Register programs, although not a separate line item in annual appropriations, are
included as part of the National Park Service Recreation and Preservation/cultural programs
10 For more information, see [http://www.cr.nps.gov/nr/research/nris.htm].

FY2007 Funding. The FY2007 budget contained $71.9 million for the HPF.
It proposed shifting funding for National Heritage Areas to the HPF as part of a new
America’s Heritage and Preservation Partnership program. Funding for Heritage
Areas would have been cut from $13.3 million in FY2006 to $7.4 million for
FY2007. Save America’s Treasures would have been cut in half ($14.8 million), but
Preserve America grants would have doubled to $10.0 million.
Both the full House and the Senate Appropriations Committee disagreed with
the Administration’s plan, and would retain the Heritage Partnership program within
the National Recreation and Preservation programs line item, restoring funding for
the National Heritage areas.
For FY2007, the Senate Appropriations Committee approved $70.7 million for
the HPF, $44.5 million below the FY2006 appropriation ($115.2 million) and $1.2
million below the Administration’s FY2007 budget of $71.9 million. The FY2007
House-passed Interior appropriations bill would have provided a total of $58.6
million for the HPF. Both the House-passed and Senate Appropriations Committee-
reported bill would have included $35.7 million for grants-in-aid to state historic
preservation offices, $3.9 million for Tribal grants, and $1.0 million for preserving
and restoring historic buildings and structures on campuses of Historically Black
Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).
The FY2007 House-passed Interior appropriations bill would have provided $15
million for Save America’s Treasures and $3 million for Preserve America. In the
House-passed bill, $7.5 million of the $15 million for Save America’s Treasures was
for designated projects as listed in H.Rept. 109-465. The FY2007 Senate
Appropriations Committee-reported bill would have provided $30 million for Save
America’s Treasures, and of that amount, the bill specified $10 million may be used
for Preserve America grants and $10 million could have been for designated projects
as listed in S.Rept. 109-275, with the remaining $10 million for regular competitive
grants. No separate Interior appropriation bill became law for FY2007, and several
continuing resolutions were enacted. The third continuing resolution continued
funding for the HPF through February 15, 2007, at the lower of FY2006, the House-
passed FY2007 level, or the Senate-passed FY2007 level. The lowest level was the
House-passed FY2007 level. (See Table 1.)

Table 1. Historic Preservation Programs — Appropriations, FY2002-FY2007
FY2007 Sena t e
FY2002 FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 House Appro ps.
Program Appro ps. Appro ps. Appro ps. Appro ps. Appro ps. Request P a sse d C o mm.
storic Preservation Fund (total)a$74,500,000$68,552,000$73,583,000$71,739,000$115,172,000$71,858,000$58,658,000$70,658,000
Grants-in-Aid to States andb39,000,00033,779,00034,569,00035,500,00035,717,00035,717,00035,717,00035,717,000
T errito ries
Tribal Grants3,000,0002,981,0002,963,0003,205,0003,941,0003,941,0003,941,0003,941,000
Historically Black Colleges 2,963,0003,451,0002,956,000 1,000,0001,000,000
Resto r atio n
rants-in-Aid 42,000,000 36,760,000 40,495,000 42,156,000 42,614,000 39,658,000 40,658,000 40,658,000
Save America’s Treasures30,000,00029,805,00032,594,00029,583,00029,558,00014,800,00015,000,00030,000,000
Millennium Program
iki/CRS-RL33617Heritage Partnership Programsd
g/w[previously included NationalHeritage Areas]f[13,206,000][14,280,000][14,275,000][14,579,000][13,301,000]7,400,000
s.or c e
leakPreserve America Grants-in-Aid10,000,0003,000,000
://wikiEndowment grant for NationalHistoric Trust2,500,0001,987,000494,000
httpHPF Emergency appropriations 43,000,000
visory Council on Historic3,400,0003,643,0003,951,0004,536,0004,789,0005,118,0005,118,0005,118,000
U.S. Congress, House and Senate Committees on Appropriations.
ppropriations for Historic Preservation programs are part of the Department of Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations. The Historic Preservation Fund previously included
grants-in-aid to states, tribal grants, grants to HBCUs, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, and Save America’s Treasures. It no longer generally includes annual
appropriations for the National Trust, except for funding the endowment fund, and the authorization for restoration grants to HBCUs has ended, although funding has been
reinstated by Congress.
he termGrants-in-Aid to States and Territories” is used in conjunction with the HPF budget, and refers to the same program as “Grants-in-Aid to State Historic Preservation
O ffi c e s .
.L.109-54 provided that an amount not to exceed $5.0 million may be allocated from Save America’s Treasures for Preserve America pilot grants.
nding for Heritage Areas was previously included in the National Recreation and Preservation as a line item. The Administrations FY2007 proposal would reduce the program
to $7.4 million. The House-passed bill would provide $13.9 million for Heritage Partnerships/Heritage areas, and the Senate Appropriations Committee-reported bill would
provide $14.1 million under National Recreation and Preservation.
. 5386, as reported by the Senate Appropriations Committee, specifies that of the $30.0 million for Save America’s Treasures, $10.0 million may be used for Preserve America
gr a nt s .
cept for the FY2007 request, these funds are included in totals listed elsewhere under National Recreation and Preservation.