Comparison of 9/11 Commission Recommended Intelligence Reforms, Roberts Draft Bill, H.R. 4104, S. 190, S. 1520, S. 6, H.R. 4584, Current Law
CRS Report for Congress
Comparison of 9/11 Commission Recommended
Intelligence Reforms, Roberts Draft Bill, H.R. 4104,
S. 190, S. 1520, S. 6, H.R. 4584, and Current Law
Updated October 6, 2004
Alfred Cumming
Specialist in Intelligence and National Security
Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division
Congressional Research Service ˜ The Library of Congress
Comparison of 9/11 Commission Recommended
Intelligence Reforms, Roberts Draft Bill, H.R. 4104,
S. 190, S. 1520, S. 6, H.R. 4584, and Current Law
On July 22, 2004, the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the
United States (also known as the 9/11 Commission) released its bipartisan,
unanimous final report containing recommendations for far-reaching and
fundamental changes to the United States Intelligence Community (IC). Almost 20
months after its creation by P.L. 107-306, the commission, as mandated by its
founding legislation, attempted to present a full and complete accounting of the facts
and circumstances surrounding the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, as well
as recommendations for corrective measures that can be taken to help prevent acts
of terrorism.
Several Members of Congress also have proposed legislation to reform the IC.
Senators Feinstein (S. 190), Bob Graham (S. 1520), Daschle (S. 6) and Roberts (draft
bill of August 23, 2004) have introduced or proposed legislation that either directly,
or as part of broader security proposals, contain a variety of IC reforms.
Representative Harman (H.R. 4104) has introduced comprehensive intelligence
reform legislation as did Representative Goss (H.R. 4584), before he was confirmed
by the U.S. Senate as Director of Central Intelligence.
This report, the first of two reports, presents side-by-side comparisons of the
Bob Graham, Daschle, and Roberts; and Representatives Harman and Goss, and
relevant provisions of current law.
A second report (CRS Report RL32601) presents a side-by-side comparison of
the 9/11 Commission recommendations and legislation proposed by Senators Collins,
Lieberman, and McCain; President Bush; and relevant provisions of current law.
This report will be updated.
National Intelligence Director (NID)...............................1
NID Budget Responsibilities.....................................3
NID Budget Authorities.........................................4
Direct Appropriation...........................................9
Budget Disclosure............................................10
Hire and Fire Authority........................................10
IC Structure.................................................15
FBI ........................................................20
IC Management Structure......................................22
Draft Bill, H.R. 4104, S. 190, S. 1520, S. 6, H.R. 4584, and Current Law
Side-by-Side Comparison of Selected Intelligence Community Reform Proposals
Roberts (S. draft billHarman (H.R. 4104)Feinstein (S. 190), BobGoss (H.R. 4584)Current Law
of August 23, 2004)Graham (S. 1520),
Daschle (S. 6)
iki/CRS-Rl32600ational Intelligence Director (NID)
g/wplace currentCreates a NID, who isComparable provision,Comparable provision,EstablishesStipulates that there is a
s.orPresidentially appointedexcept NID would beexcept NID would bePresidentially-Director of Central
leakntral Intelligenceand Senate confirmed. named Director ofnamed Director ofappointed, Senate-Intelligence who also
://wikiresidentially -Will head a fullyrestructuredNational Intelligence(DNI). Not located inNational Intelligence(DNI). Not located inconfirmed positionDirector of Centralheads CIA.
httped NID. TheIntelligencethe Executive Office ofthe Executive Office ofIntelligence (DCI)
D located in theCommunity to be calledthe President. the President. [S. 6,who would also head
e Office of thethe Nationalunlike S. 190 and S.CIA.
esident. A separateIntelligence Service.1520, establishes a ten-
year term for the DNI.]
ntral Intelligence
ency (CIA).
Roberts (S. draft billHarman (H.R. 4104)Feinstein (S. 190), BobGoss (H.R. 4584)Current Law
of August 23, 2004)Graham (S. 1520),
Daschle (S. 6)
net Member
D should not beNo provision.No provision.Sense of Congress thatNo provision.No provision.
ember. DNI should be cabinet-
level officer.
eneral NID Responsibilities
ersee nationalUnder the direction of — Head IC. — Head IC. — Head CIA. — Head IC.
ence centers, onthe National Security — President’s — President’s principal — Head IC. — President’s
ects ofCouncil, to provideprincipal intelligenceintelligence advisor. — President’sprincipal intelligence
thenational intelligence toadvisor. principal intelligenceadvisor.
the President; to headsadvisor. — Head CIA.
iki/CRS-Rl32600nter (NCTC). of departments andagencies of the
g/wversee theexecutive branch; to
s.ortelligenceChairman JCS and
leakmunity (IC).service military
://wikicommanders; and,
httpencewhere appropriate, to
isor.the Senate, House, and
other committees.
D Tasking Responsibilities
provision.NID shall establishNID will direct theNID will establishDCI will collect,DCI will provide
requirements andtasking of collection,requirements andcoordinate and directoverall direction for
priorities to governanalysis andpriorities to governthe collection ofintelligence collection.
collection, analysis anddissemination ofnational intelligenceintelligence.
dissemination ofnational intelligence. collection.
national intelligence.
Roberts (S. draft billHarman (H.R. 4104)Feinstein (S. 190), BobGoss (H.R. 4584)Current Law
of August 23, 2004)Graham (S. 1520),
Daschle (S. 6)
esponsibilities — CIA Director
D should directlyNo authority to direct,Retains currentRetains current statutoryRepeals prohibitionProhibits the DCI as
ersee intelligencemanage or undertakestatutory prohibitionprovision preventingpreventing DCI as CIACIA head from
electronic surveillancepreventing CIA directorCIA director fromhead from exercisingexercising internal
ited States.or physical searchfrom exercising internalexercising internalinternal securitysecurity functions.
operations unlesssecurity functions. functions.
authorized by statute or
executive order.
iki/CRS-Rl32600dget Submission
g/wD should submit aNID would prepare theDNI would develop anDNI would develop anDCI would determineDCI facilitates the
s.oret forannual budget forannual intelligenceannual intelligencethe annual intelligencedevelopment of an
leakence.intelligence andbudget. budget. budget. annual intelligence
://wikiintelligence-relatedactivities of the Unitedbudget.
dget Development
mendation.Provides budgetNo provision. The DNI’s budgetNo provision. No provision.
guidance to eachdevelopment would
element of the Nationalinclude review,
Intelligence Service;approval, and
participates in themodification of the
development by theexecution of IC budgets,
Secretary of Defense ofand personnel and
the annual budgets forresource allocation.
the Joint Military
Intelligence Program
and the Tactical
Intelligence and Related
Activities Program.
Roberts (S. draft billHarman (H.R. 4104)Feinstein (S. 190), BobGoss (H.R. 4584)Current Law
of August 23, 2004)Graham (S. 1520),
Daschle (S. 6)
D Specific Authority for Budget Execution
mendation. Manages and overseesNo provision. DNI’s budgetNo provision. No provision.
the execution of thedevelopment includes
National Intelligencemanaging and over-
Program; eliminatesseeing the execution
waste and unnecessaryand, if necessary, the
duplication within themodification of the
National Intelligenceannual National Foreign
Service. Intelligence Program
(NFIP), including
directing the transfer of
funds or personnel
within the IC.
g/wD Budget Authorities
dget Approval
httpD should approve allNID approves budgetsAdheres to currentAdheres to currentDCI approves budgetsDCI approves budgets
budgets. of the new Nationalstatute — DNI approvesstatute — DNI approvesof all IC elementsof all IC elements
Intelligence Service. budgets of all ICbudgets of all ICbefore provided tobefore incorporation
NID provides guidanceelements beforeelements beforePresident forinto NFIP.
to elements of theincorporation intoincorporation into NFIP.transmission to
National IntelligenceNFIP.Congress.
Service in preparing
their budgets included
in the Joint Military
Intelligence Program
and the Tactical
Intelligence and Related
Activities Programs.
Roberts (S. draft billHarman (H.R. 4104)Feinstein (S. 190), BobGoss (H.R. 4584)Current Law
of August 23, 2004)Graham (S. 1520),
Daschle (S. 6)
dget Reprogramming
D should haveNID hasAdheres to currentAdheres to currentAdheres to currentNo NFIP funds may be
rammingreprogrammingstatute — No NFIPstatute — No NFIPstatute, exceptreprogrammed without
.authority for thefunds may befunds may beeliminates: “except inDNI prior approval,
National Intelligencereprogrammed withoutreprogrammed withoutaccordance with DCI-except in accordance
Program. TheDNI prior approval,DNI prior approval,issued procedures.” with DCI-issued
Secretary of Defenseexcept in accordanceexcept in accordanceprocedures.
must “consult with” thewith DCI-issuedwith DCI-issued
NID beforeprocedures. procedures.
reprogramming funds
appropriated or
otherwise made
iki/CRS-Rl32600available under the
g/wJoint Military
s.orIntelligence Program.
Roberts (S. draft billHarman (H.R. 4104)Feinstein (S. 190), BobGoss (H.R. 4584)Current Law
of August 23, 2004)Graham (S. 1520),
Daschle (S. 6)
nds and Personnel Transfer
mendation.With OMB Director’sWould requireWould require approvalRequires that DCI Requires approval
approval, the NID mayapproval of Director offrom Director of OMB,coordinate with OMBfrom Director OMB,
transfer funds underOffice of Managementand transfers coulddirector beforeand could occur for
specified guidelines,and Budget (OMB), andoccur for periods up toproceeding with aperiods up to a year.
particularly funds for antransfers could occura year. funds or personnel
activity that is a higherfor periods up to atransfer. No limit on
priority intelligenceyear. period of transfer.
activity. Personnel may
be transferred by the
NID to a higher priority
intelligence activity.
iki/CRS-Rl32600Transfers of Defense
g/wDepartment personnel
s.orrequire a report to the
leakIntelligence and Armed
Services Committee of
Roberts (S. draft billHarman (H.R. 4104)Feinstein (S. 190), BobGoss (H.R. 4584)Current Law
of August 23, 2004)Graham (S. 1520),
Daschle (S. 6)
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Roberts (S. draft billHarman (H.R. 4104)Feinstein (S. 190), BobGoss (H.R. 4584)Current Law
of August 23, 2004)Graham (S. 1520),
Daschle (S. 6)
eads Objections to Fund and Personnel Transfers
should beNo provision.Would withhold fromWould permit DNI toWould permit DCIWould allow agency
itted to transferDNI unilateral fund andtransfer funds andtransfer authority. heads to stop DCI-
personnel transferpersonnel within the ICAgency heads couldinitiated transfers, so
C over theauthority, but wouldover the objection ofobject in writing to thelong as they state
ection of agencyprovide for objection byagency heads. intelligenceobjection in writing to
affected agency head tocommittees, but couldthe DCI.
such transfer, providednot prevent such
objection made intransfers.
writing to the President.
ransfer Procedures
iki/CRS-Rl32600mendation.Personnel may beWould not require theWould not require theWould require the DCIWould require the DCI
g/wtransferred by the NIDDCI to developDCI to developto develop transferto develop transfer
s.orto a higher prioritypersonnel transferpersonnel transferprocedures withprocedures with
leakintelligence activity. procedures withprocedures withaffected agency heads. affected agency heads.
://wikiTransfers of Defenseaffected agency heads.affected agency heads.
httpDepartment personnel
require a report to the
Intelligence and Armed
Services Committees of
Roberts (S. draft billHarman (H.R. 4104)Feinstein (S. 190), BobGoss (H.R. 4584)Current Law
of August 23, 2004)Graham (S. 1520),
Daschle (S. 6)
I Funds & Personnel Transfers
D should beThe Assistant NationalDNI authorized toDNI authorized toDCI is not authorizedDCI is not authorized
ed to transferIntelligence Director fortransfer funds/personneltransfer funds/personnelto transferto transfer
Collection is givenfrom the FBI.from the FBI.funds/personnel fromfunds/personnel from line control overthe FBI.the FBI.
the FBI’s Counter-
terrorism units, but they
continue to operate
within the FBI for
administrative and
support purposes, and
iki/CRS-Rl32600subject to Attorney
g/wGeneral guidelines.
rect Appropriation
://wikiD Receives Direct Appropriation
D should receiveNID prepares budgetNDI would not receiveNDI would not receiveDCI receives directDCI does not receive
for Nationaldirect appropriation.appropriation. direct appropriation.
rrently the Sec DefIntelligence Program
es the appro-and is responsible for
management and
A and nationalexpenditure of funds.
ence agencies. Receives direct
appropriation for these
Roberts (S. draft billHarman (H.R. 4104)Feinstein (S. 190), BobGoss (H.R. 4584)Current Law
of August 23, 2004)Graham (S. 1520),
Daschle (S. 6)
erall nationalStates Sense ofNo provision.No provision. No provision. No provision.
ence budget andCongress that the
ets of componentaggregate amount of
encies should beappropriations in the
disclosed. budget for intelligence
and intelligence-related
activities should be
made available to the
public for each fiscal
year after FY2005,
iki/CRS-Rl32600unless the Presidentcertifies doing so would
g/wdamage U.S. National
://wikire and Fire Authority
D should haveNID can terminate theNo direct NDI hire/fireNo NDI hiring/firingNo NDI hire/fireNo DCI hire/fire
toemployment of anyauthority; However,authority... wouldauthority; However,authority within the IC;
and submitcivilian officer orprovision doesmaintain current statuteprovision wouldHowever, provision
inations to theemployee of anystrengthen NDI’sauthorities.strengthen personnelcalls for concurrence
IA,element of the Nationalpersonnel selectionauthority by and consultation on
fense IntelligenceIntelligence Service. authorities.maintaining currentpersonnel selections.
ency (DIA), FBIHeads of Nationalstatute requirement for
telligence Office,Intelligence Centers areJoint Recommendations DCI/SecretaryConcurrence
tional Securityappointed by the NID. NDI/SecDef jointconcurrence, but
ency (NSA),NID appoints therecommendation to theadding several agencyDCI/SecDef
General Counsel of thePresident on heads ofhead positions to whichconcurrence on heads of
National IntelligenceNSA, NRO and NGA. this would apply. NSA, NRO and NGA,
elandService. NID appointsSecretaries in affectedbut SecDef can
Informationthe Chief InformationConcurrenceagencies could stilloverride.
alysis andOffice of the Nationalover-ride DNI non-
Roberts (S. draft billHarman (H.R. 4104)Feinstein (S. 190), BobGoss (H.R. 4584)Current Law
of August 23, 2004)Graham (S. 1520),
Daschle (S. 6)
frastructureIntelligence Service. DNI/agency headconcurrence.Consultation
AIP).NID appoints the Chiefconcurrence on other
Financial Officer of theIC appointments, butDept. Heads consult
National Intelligenceagency head canwith DCI on directors
Service. NID can directoverride DNI. of DIA INR, and DOE
the Secretary ofintelligence units, but
Defense to reassign anyagency head decides.
member of the Armed
forces within theMandatory
National IntelligenceConcurrence on FBI
Service to a positionAppointmentsFBI DiscretionaryFBI Timely Notice
outside of it.Consultation
DNI/FBI Director
iki/CRS-Rl32600mandatory concurrenceDNI/FBI Director makeFBI director gives DCI
g/won FBI intelligencejoint recommendationtimely notice of FBI
s.or appointments. on FBI intelligenceintelligence
leakappointments. AGappointments.
Roberts (S. draft billHarman (H.R. 4104)Feinstein (S. 190), BobGoss (H.R. 4584)Current Law
of August 23, 2004)Graham (S. 1520),
Daschle (S. 6)
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Roberts (S. draft billHarman (H.R. 4104)Feinstein (S. 190), BobGoss (H.R. 4584)Current Law
of August 23, 2004)Graham (S. 1520),
Daschle (S. 6)
nel Policy
D should set IC-wideNID to develop andNDI would set IC-wideMaintains currentDCI not required toDCI required to consult
implement, aspersonnel education andstatute requiring NDI toconsult agency heads inagency heads in
standardsnecessary, a commontraining standards andconsult agency heads indeveloping ICdeveloping IC
personnel system and arequire for seniordeveloping personnelstandards andpersonnel standards and
nments acrosscommon retirement andpromotion service instandards andqualifications.qualifications. Where
ency lines and atdisability system for themore than two positionsqualifications.appropriate, DCI should
enceelements of theoutside home element. consider rotated service
National Intelligencein IC elements a factor
Service. NID, into consider in senior
coordination with headspromotions.
of departments and
iki/CRS-Rl32600agencies with elements
g/win the National
s.orIntelligence Service,
leakinstitute policies and
programs for rotation of
://wikipersonnel, setting
httpstandards for
performance, and
Roberts (S. draft billHarman (H.R. 4104)Feinstein (S. 190), BobGoss (H.R. 4584)Current Law
of August 23, 2004)Graham (S. 1520),
Daschle (S. 6)
ormation Sharing Technology Policies
D should establishNID to ensure thatDNI/Secretary of No provision. Newly created Assoc.The National Security
ation technologyintelligence (includingDefense developDir. for infoCouncil will develop
aximizeunevaluatedintegratedmanagement wouldprocedures for effective
and infointelligence), its source,communicationsrecommend to DCI infoinformation sharing.
. and method ofnetwork and maximizeand technology
collection arestate/local informationstandards to maximize
disseminated in sharing.
timely manner, to
promote comprehensive
all-source analysis by
cleared personnel of the
iki/CRS-Rl32600USG, regardless of the
g/wcollecting element.
leaksory Council on Information Sharing
://wikiision.No provision.No provision.No provision.No provision.No provision.
Roberts (S. draft billHarman (H.R. 4104)Feinstein (S. 190), BobGoss (H.R. 4584)Current Law
of August 23, 2004)Graham (S. 1520),
Daschle (S. 6)
tional Counterterrorism Center (NCTC)
C,A NationalNo provision. No provision. No provision. No provision.
e Counterterrorism
Center, which assumes
erseen by thethe responsibilities of
D. Build on existingthe Terrorist Threat
Integration Center, is
tegration Centercreated as one of the
C).National Intelligence
Centers envisioned in
nter for jointthe bill. The National
g/wd joint intelligence,Center is to have its
s.oraffed by personnelown budget account.
leakom various agencies.National
://wikiCounterterrorismCenter has
http Aspectscounterterrorism as its
substantive intelligence
sourcemission. It is to
sis; performconduct strategic
ic analysis andanalysis of terrorist
joint planning;
n operations to
encies (State,
A, FBI, Defense).
ack plan
Roberts (S. draft billHarman (H.R. 4104)Feinstein (S. 190), BobGoss (H.R. 4584)Current Law
of August 23, 2004)Graham (S. 1520),
Daschle (S. 6)
This page intentionally left blank for comparison with RL32601.
Roberts (S. draft billHarman (H.R. 4104)Feinstein (S. 190), BobGoss (H.R. 4584)Current Law
of August 23, 2004)Graham (S. 1520),
Daschle (S. 6)
tional Intelligence Centers
NID is authorized toEstablishes WMDNo provision.No provision.No provision.
establish within hiscenter. To be overseen
struction (WMD),office a Nationalby NDI.
e andIntelligence Center for
hina/Easteach substantive
intelligence mission of
ssia/Eurasia. To bethe National
erseen by NID.Intelligence Service.
National intelligence
centers will be
established by law, at
iki/CRS-Rl32600the President’s
g/wdirection, or upon the
s.orinitiative of the NID.
rector of CIA
httpA director shouldThe NID replaces theCIA director headsCIA director heads CIA. DCI heads the CIA, andDCI heads the IC and
position of CIACIA. Ten-year term.Simultaneous service asacting through the CIA,CIA.
ency’s analytic anddirector.Simultaneous service asDNI prohibited. heads the IC.
an intelligenceDNI prohibited.
Roberts (S. draft billHarman (H.R. 4104)Feinstein (S. 190), BobGoss (H.R. 4584)Current Law
of August 23, 2004)Graham (S. 1520),
Daschle (S. 6)
d assumeThe newly createdNo provision.No provision.No provision.No provision.
the CIANational Clandestine
forService retains the
and executingauthorities and
ilitary operations,responsibilities
ert. presently held by the
CIA’s Directorate of
ormation Sharing
tablish incentives forThe Chief InformationNo provision, per se,No provision. No provision, per se,No provision, per se,
; restore betterOffice, appointed by thebut DNI/Sec Def tobut newly createdbut the National
iki/CRS-Rl32600eenNID, is to develop andevelop integratedAssoc. Dir. for infoSecurity Council will
g/w and sharedintegrated informationcommunicationsmanagement woulddevelop procedures for network fornetwork and maximizerecommend to DCI infoeffective information
leakthe efficient and securestate/local info sharing.and technologysharing.
exchange ofstandards to maximize
://wikiintelligence informationinfo sharing.
httpamong the elements of
the National
Intelligence Service,
and, as directed by the
President, other depart-
ments and agencies of
the U.S. Government,
and of state and local
Roberts (S. draft billHarman (H.R. 4104)Feinstein (S. 190), BobGoss (H.R. 4584)Current Law
of August 23, 2004)Graham (S. 1520),
Daschle (S. 6)
ormation Revolution
Chief InformationNo provision.No provision. No provision.No provision.
nationalOfficer of the NIS to
institutions intoensure elements of the
ation revolution.NIS have direct and
continuous electronic
access to all
information, and to
ensure interoperability
of information
technology and national
security systems
iki/CRS-Rl32600throughout the National
g/wIntelligence Service.
ress shouldNo provision onNo provision.No provision.No provision. No provision. S.Res.
://wikiointcommittee structure. 400 — still in effect
httpence committee,Amends S.Res. 400 totoday — created the
le committee ineliminate limitation onSenate Select
bininglength of service on theCommittee on
ing andSenate SelectIntelligence. H.Res.
. Committee on658 — still in effect — created the
House Permanent
Select Committee on
Roberts (S. draft billHarman (H.R. 4104)Feinstein (S. 190), BobGoss (H.R. 4584)Current Law
of August 23, 2004)Graham (S. 1520),
Daschle (S. 6)
ress should createNo provision.No provision.No provision.No provision.No provision.
le, principal point
ersight for
eland security.
g/we FBI should create aNo general provision.No provision.No provision.No provision.No provision.
s.ored and
leakrated nationalBut elements of FBI
workforceperforming intelligence
://wiki of agents,and intelligence-related
httpsts, linguists, andfunctions are directed
eillance specialistsand controlled by the
new Assistant National
ence andIntelligence Director for
Roberts (S. draft billHarman (H.R. 4104)Feinstein (S. 190), BobGoss (H.R. 4584)Current Law
of August 23, 2004)Graham (S. 1520),
Daschle (S. 6)
omeland Defense
nd its oversightNo provision.No provision.No provision.No provision.No provision.
mittees should
ularly assess
of Northern
mmand strategies
to defend
.S. against
ilitary threats.
iki/CRS-Rl32600Security Aspects
g/we Dept. of HomelandNo provision.No provision.No provision.No provision.No provision.
s.or and its
leakersight committees
://wikiularly assess
httppes of threats to U.S.ine adequacy
Roberts (S. draft billHarman (H.R. 4104)Feinstein (S. 190), BobGoss (H.R. 4584)Current Law
of August 23, 2004)Graham (S. 1520),
Daschle (S. 6)
Management Structure
D Deputies
e NID should haveEstablishes a DeputyEstablishesEstablishesEstablishesEstablishes
NID, nominated by thePresidentially-Presidentially-Presidentially-Presidentially-
n intelligencePresident, andnominated, Senate-nominated, Senate-nominated, Senate-nominated, Senate-
A head); defenseconfirmed by theconfirmed Deputy DNI,confirmed Deputy DNI. confirmed Deputy DCI. confirmed Deputy DCI.
ence (underSenate.who also would serve
of defense foras Under Secretary of
ence);andDefense for
eland intelligenceIntelligence.
iki/CRS-Rl32600’s exec. asst. dir. or
g/w. of
s.oreland security for
leaksis and
httpputy Director of Central Intelligence For Community Management
mendsNo provision.Eliminates position. Renames this positionEliminates position.There is the position for
inating theDeputy Director ofDeputy Director of
National IntelligenceCentral Intelligence
for Communityfor Community
Management. Management.
Roberts (S. draft billHarman (H.R. 4104)Feinstein (S. 190), BobGoss (H.R. 4584)Current Law
of August 23, 2004)Graham (S. 1520),
Daschle (S. 6)
mendation.No provision.Establishes deputyNo provision.No provision.No provision.
DNIs for Operations
and for Resources
irectors of Central Intelligence
mendation.No provision.No provision.No provision.Would establish eightNo provision.
associate directors for
operations; analysis;
information manage-
ment; language and
education; military
iki/CRS-Rl32600support; space;
g/wscience & technology;resources.
leakirectors of Central Intelligence
://wikimendationNo provision.No proposal.No proposal.Would establish five
httpassistant directors for
central intelligence for:
foreign intelligence.
irectors of National Intelligence
recommendationCreates an AssistantNo provision.Would establishNo provision.There are assistant
NID for Analysis andassistant directors fordirectors of central
Production; annational intelligenceintelligence for
Assistant NID forfor collection; analysiscollection; analysis and
Collection; an Assistantand production;production;
NID for Research,administration. administration.
Development, and
Acquisition, all
Roberts (S. draft billHarman (H.R. 4104)Feinstein (S. 190), BobGoss (H.R. 4584)Current Law
of August 23, 2004)Graham (S. 1520),
Daschle (S. 6)
nominated, and Senate
confirmed. Creates an
Assistant NID for
Military Support, who
also serves as Under
Secretary of Defense
for Intelligence.
Creates a General
Counsel of the National
Intelligence Service
appointed by the NID.
g/wmendation.Establishes a seniorNo provision.No provision.No provision.
s.oradvisor to the DNI for
leakHomeland Security.
http recommendation.Creates an InspectorEstablishes GeneralEstablishes GeneralEstablishes GeneralThere is a General
General of the NationalCounsel to the DNI;Counsel to the DNI; andCounsel and InspectorCounsel and Inspector
Intelligence Service,and Inspector GeneralInspector General of theGeneral of the IC. General for the CIA.
Presidentially appointedof the IC. IC.
and Senate confirmed.
d Civil Liberties Oversight Board/Officer for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties/Privacy and Civil Liberties Officers
mends theNo provision.No provision.No provision.No provision.No provision.
ent of a
ithin the
e branch to
il liberties
Roberts (S. draft billHarman (H.R. 4104)Feinstein (S. 190), BobGoss (H.R. 4584)Current Law
of August 23, 2004)Graham (S. 1520),
Daschle (S. 6)
ficer Of the National Intelligence Authority
mendation.No provision.No provision.No provision.No provision.No provision.
ief Human Capital Officer Of the National Intelligence Authority
mendation.No Provision.No provision.No provision.No provision.No provision.
tional Counterintelligence Executive
ision.No provision.No provision.No provision.No provision.No provision.
Roberts (S. draft billHarman (H.R. 4104)Feinstein (S. 190), BobGoss (H.R. 4584)Current Law
of August 23, 2004)Graham (S. 1520),
Daschle (S. 6)
udsman of the National Intelligence Authority
mendation.No provision.No provision. No provision.No provision.No provision.
tional Intelligence Council for Alternative Analysis
recommendation.Establishes within theEstablishes a NationalNo provision.No provision.No provision.
Office of the NID aIntelligence Council
National IntelligenceAlternative Analysis
Council, headed by theUnit to review each
Assistant NID fornational intelligence
Analysis andestimate produced by
Production. The NIC isthe National
iki/CRS-Rl32600to produce nationalintelligence estimatesIntelligence Council.
g/wfor the U.S.
s.orGovernment, and to
leakevaluate community-
://wikiwide collection and
httpproduction by the
National Intelligence
Service, and the
requirements and
resources of such
collection and
Roberts (S. draft billHarman (H.R. 4104)Feinstein (S. 190), BobGoss (H.R. 4584)Current Law
of August 23, 2004)Graham (S. 1520),
Daschle (S. 6)
mendationNo recommendation.Establishes a jointNo provision.No provision.No provision.
tasking organization
within the DNI’s office
which would task IC
collection. The DNI
would appoint tasking
directors from CIA,
NSA, and NGA.
t Intelligence Comptroller
mendation.Establishes a ChiefWould establish jointNo provision.No provision.No provision.
iki/CRS-Rl32600Financial Officer of theintelligence comptroller
g/wNational Intelligenceappointed jointly by
s.orService, who must be aDNI and Sec. Def.
leakcivilian. Assists NID inComptroller would
://wikibudget preparationunder the Nationalreport directly to theUnder Secretary of
httpIntelligence Program. Defense and provide
Assists the Secretary ofboth the Sec. Def. and
Defense in preparationthe DNI NFIP financial
of the budget related toinformation insofar as
the Joint Militarythat information would
Intelligence Programrelate to elements of the
and the TacticalIC under the
Intelligence and Relatedjurisdiction of DOD.
Activities Program.
t Acquisition Office
No recommendation.Would establish a jointNo provision.No provision.No provision.
IC acquisition office
headed by a director
jointly appointed by the
Roberts (S. draft billHarman (H.R. 4104)Feinstein (S. 190), BobGoss (H.R. 4584)Current Law
of August 23, 2004)Graham (S. 1520),
Daschle (S. 6)
DNI and Sec. Def.
tional Intelligence Reserve Corps
mendation.No provision.No provision.No provision.No provision.No provision.
t Military Intelligence Program (JMIP)
mendation.No provision.No provision.No provision.No provision.No provision.
ief Financial Officer
mendation.Establishes a ChiefNo provision.No provision. No provision. No provision.
Financial Officer.
iki/CRS-Rl32600 Report Requirement
s.ormendation.No provision.No provision.No provision.No provision.No provision.
httpA Director shouldNo provision. No provision.No provision. Establishes AssociateNo provision.
erDirector of Intelligence
uage program. for Intelligence and
Roberts (S. draft billHarman (H.R. 4104)Feinstein (S. 190), BobGoss (H.R. 4584)Current Law
of August 23, 2004)Graham (S. 1520),
Daschle (S. 6)
tional Intelligence Definition
mendation.No provision.No provision.No provision.No provision.No provision.