Identity Theft Laws: State Penalties and Remedies and Pending Federal Bills
Identity Theft Laws: State Penalties and
Remedies and Pending Federal Bills
Updated August 6, 2007
Tara Alexandra Rainson
Law Librarian
Knowledge Services Group
Identity Theft Laws: State Penalties and
Remedies and Pending Federal Bills
This report provides an overview of state laws on identity theft. It discusses
state laws that penalize identity theft, as well as state laws that assist identity theft
victims, including those that permit consumers to block unauthorized persons from
obtaining their credit information, known as “security freezes.” The report also
includes a survey of state “credit freeze” statutes. The report concludes with
summaries of federal identity theft legislation pending in the 110th Congress.
The report will be updated as warranted.
In troduction ......................................................1
State “Credit Freeze” Laws..........................................2
Social Security Numbers............................................7
Proposed Federal Identity Theft Legislation.............................7
List of Tables
Table 1. Survey of State “Security Freeze” Laws.........................4
Identity Theft Laws: State Penalties and
Remedies and Pending Federal Bills
This report provides an overview of state laws on identity theft.1 Fifty states and
the District of Columbia have criminal identity theft statutes.2 Many of these include
both monetary penalties and imprisonment. For example, in California imposters are
subject to a fine and confinement in jail for up to one year.3 In Louisiana, imposters4
are subject to a fine of up to $10,000 and confinement in jail for up to 10 years.
Several state statutes include restitution provisions. In Texas, Virginia, and
Maryland, the court may order the imposter to reimburse the victim for expenses
incurred because of the theft, such as lost income or expenses associated with5
correcting an inaccurate credit report. Other states impose civil penalties for identity
theft activities and provide victims with judicial recourse for damages incurred as a
result of the theft. In Washington, imposters are liable for civil damages of $1,000
or actual damages, whichever is greater.6 The definition of identity theft varies
across state codes. Idaho, for example, simply criminalizes the use of “identifying
1 For further information, see New Data Security Laws Take Effect in Several States, 75
U.S.L.W. 25 (2007); Emily Farr, Identity Theft: Liability for Furnishers of Credit
Information, 17 S.C. Law. 42 (2006); Sean C. Honeywill, Data Security and Data Breach
Notification for Financial Institutions, 10 N.C. Banking Inst. 269 (2006); Kasim Razvi, To
What Extent Should State Legislatures Regulate Business Practices as a Means of
Preventing Identity Theft?, 15 Alb. L.J. Sci. & Tech. 639 (2005); Lilia Rode, Database
Security Breach Notification Statutes: Does Placing the Responsibility on the True Victim
Increase Data Security?, 43 Hous. L. Rev. 1597 (2007); Paul M. Schwartz and Edward J.
Janger, Notification of Database Security Breaches, 105 Mich. L. Rev. 913 (2007); Kenneth
M. Siegel, Protecting the Most Valuable Corporate Asset: Electronic Data, Identity Theft,
Personal Information, and the Role of Data Security in the Information Age, 111 Penn St.
L. Rev. 779 (2007); Gary M. Victor, Identity Theft, Its Environment and Proposals for
Change, 18 Loy. Consumer L. Rev. 273 (2006); Kamaal Zaidi, Identity Theft and Consumer
Protection: Finding Sensible Approaches to Safeguard Personal Data in the United States
and Canada, 19 Loy. Consumer L. Rev. 99 (2007).
2 For a complete list of state criminal identity theft statutes, see
[ h t t p : / / www.f t c . go v/ bc p/ e du/ mi c r os i t e s / i d t h e f t / r e f e r e n c e -de s k/ s t a t e -c r i mi na l -l a ml ] .
3 Cal. Penal Code §§ 530.5-530.7.
4 La. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 14:67.16.
5 Tex. Penal Code § 32.51; Va. Code Ann. §§ 18.2-186.3 - 18.2-186.5; Md. Crim. Law Code
Ann. § 8-301.
6 Rev. Code Wash. § 9.35.020(3).
information.”7 In Oregon and Maine, criminal identity theft includes fraudulent use
of credit cards.8 Massachusetts and Illinois criminalize fraudulent credit card use, but
also specifically address the fraudulent use of a credit card number or other
identifying number.9
State “Credit Freeze” Laws10
Thirty-seven states and the District of Columbia currently have “security freeze”11
laws (also “credit freeze” laws) as a form of identity theft victim assistance. A
security freeze law allows a consumer to block unauthorized third parties from
obtaining his or her credit report or score. A consumer who places a security freeze
on his or her credit report or score receives a personal identification number to gain
access to credit information or to authorize the dissemination of credit information.
A survey of these laws is provided in Table 1.
Benefits of security freeze laws include increased consumer control over access
to personal information and corresponding decreased opportunities for imposters to
obtain access to credit information. Critics of security freeze laws argue that security
freezes may cause consumers unwanted delays when they must provide third party
institutions access to credit histories for such purposes as qualifying for loans,
applying for rental property leases, and obtaining mortgage rate approval.12 In an
7 Idaho Code Ann. § 18-3126.
8 Ore. Rev. Stat. § 165.055; Me. Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 17-A, § 905-A.
9 Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 266, § 37E; 720 Ill. Comp. Stat. 5/16G-10.
10 Pursuant to recent Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACT) amendments to the
Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), federal law may preempt some state provisions relating
to identity theft. P.L. 108-159, 117 Stat. 1952. For effective dates, see 68 Fed. Reg. 74,467
and 68 Fed. Reg.74,529 (December 24, 2003). The preemption of these provisions in state
law does not apply to any state law in effect on the date of enactment of the Consumer
Credit Reporting Reform Act of 1996. 15 U.S.C. 1681t(b)(1)(E). The FCRA, as amended,
includes several provisions aimed at preventing identity theft or assisting victims. These new
provisions preempt similar state laws relating to the blocking of information in a consumer’s
credit report resulting from identity theft,with some exceptions. For more information see
CRS Report RS21449, Fair Credit Reporting Act: Preemption of State Law, by Margaret
Mikyung Lee.
11 The states with enacted security freeze laws are: Arkansas, California, Colorado,
Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas,
Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska,
Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North
Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah,
Vermont, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. See State Security Freeze
Laws [].
12 Statement of Stuart K. Pratt, President and Chief Executive Officer, Consumer Data
Industry Association, in Congress, Senate, Hearing Before the Senate Committee on
Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, Examining The Financial Services Industry’s
effort to balance these interests of security and accessibility, seven states permit
consumers to initiate security freezes only if they have been victims of identity theft
or attempted identity theft.13
State laws also differ regarding what fees, if any, a credit reporting agency
(CRA) may charge consumers for requesting a security freeze. Twenty-six states and
the District of Columbia prohibit CRAs from charging fees to an identity theft victim
who requests a freeze.14 For example, the Wisconsin identity theft statute provides
that there shall be no fee imposed on an individual who submits “evidence
satisfactory to the consumer reporting agencies” that he or she has filed an identity
theft report with a law enforcement agency.15 In Vermont, CRAs may impose a fee
when the requester is not an identity theft victim.16 Under the Kansas identity theft
statute, CRAs may not charge a security freeze fee.17 Most state laws specify the
maximum fee a CRA may charge per security freeze request.18
In addition to security freeze statutes, five states have enacted “credit
information blocking” laws.19 Alabama, Colorado, Idaho, and Washington require
consumer credit reporting agencies to block false information resulting from identity
theft from victims’ credit reports.20 California requires a debt collector to stop
12 (...continued)
Responsibilities and Role in Preventing Identity Theft and Protecting the Sensitive Financialthst
Information of Their Customers, hearings, 109 Cong., 1 sess., September 22, 2005,
available at []. Hearing available online at
[http://banki .Detail&HearingID=170].
13 2007 Ark. Act 391; Haw. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§ 489P-3 - 489P-5; Kan. Stat. Ann. §§ 50-723
- 50-724; 2007 Miss. Laws ch. 585; S.D. Codified Laws § 54-15-1, et seq.; Tex. Bus. &
Com. Code §§ 20.031-20.04; Wash. Rev. Code §§ 19.182.170 - 19.182-200.
14 Cal. Civ. Code §§ 1785.11.2-1785.11.6; Colo. Rev. Stat. § 12-14.3-102, et seq.; D.C.
Code §§ 3861-3864; Fla. Stat. § 501.005; 815 Ill. Comp. Stat. 505/2MM; Ky. Rev. Stat. §§
C; 2007 Md. Laws Ch. 307; Minn. Stat. § 13C.016; 2007 Mont. Laws ch. 138; Nebraska,
2007 N.M. Laws ch. 106; N.Y. Gen. Bus. Law 380-a, et seq; N.C. Gen. Stat. § 75-60, et
seq.; N.D. Cent. Code ch. 51-33; Okla. Stat. tit. 24, § 149, et seq.; 2006 Pa. Laws ch. 163;
R.I. Gen. Laws § 6-48-1 et seq.; 2007 Tenn. Pub. Act ch. 170 (to be codified at Tenn. Code
Ann. tit. 46, ch. 18, part 21); Tex. Bus. & Com. Code §§ 20.031-20.04; Utah Code Ann. §
Wyo. Stat. §§ 40-12-502 - 40-12-506.
15 Wis. Stat. § 100.54.
16 Vt. Stat. Ann. tit. 9, § 2480h.
17 Kan. Stat. Ann. § 50-723
18 See, e.g., Cal. Civ. Code § 1785.11.2; Conn. Gen. Stat. § 36a-701a; and D.C. Code § 28-
19 For further information, see [
law-enforcement/credit-info-blocking.html ].
20 Ala. Code § 13A-8-200; Colo. Rev. Stat. §§ 12-14.3-106.5 to 12-14.3-106.9; Idaho Code
collection when the alleged debtor provides evidence of his status as an identity theft
Table 1. Survey of State “Security Freeze” Laws
State SecurityApplies to AllCredit ReportingAgency Fees forEffective Date
Freeze StatuteConsumers?Freeze Requests?
Arkansas, 2007 Ark.No. Applies toYes.Jan. 1, 2008
Act 391identity theft victims.
California, Cal. Civ.YesYes. No fee forJan. 1, 2003
Code §§ 1785.11.2-identity theft
Colorado, Colo. Rev.YesNo fee for firstJuly 1, 2006
Stat. § 12-14.3-102,request. No fee for
et seq.identity theft
Connecticut, Conn.YesYesJan. 1, 2006
Gen. Stat. § 36a-701a
Delaware, Del. CodeYesYes Sept. 29, 2006
Ann. tit. 6, § 2201, et
District of Columbia,YesYes. No fee forJuly 1, 2007
D.C. Code §§ 28-identity theft
Florida, Fla. Stat. §YesYes. No fee forJuly 1, 2006
501.005identity theft
Hawaii, Haw. Rev.No. Applies only toNoJan. 1, 2007
Stat. Ann. §§ 489P-3identity theft victims.
- 489P-5
Illinois, 815 Ill.YesYes. No fee forJan. 1, 2007
Comp. Stat.identity theft
505/2MMvictims or seniors
Indiana, 2007 Ind.YesNoSept. 1, 2007
Legis. Serv. P.L.
Kan. Stat. Ann. §§No. Applies only toNoJan. 1, 2007
20 (...continued)
§ 28-51-102; Rev. Code Wash. § 19.182.160.
21 Cal. Civ. Code § 1788.18.
State SecurityApplies to AllCredit ReportingAgency Fees forEffective Date
Freeze StatuteConsumers?Freeze Requests?
Kentucky, Ky. Rev.YesYes. No fee forJuly 11, 2006
Stat. §§ 367.363 -identity theft
Louisiana, La. Rev.YesYes. No fee forJuly 1, 2005
Stat. §§ 9:3571.1 (H)identity theft
to (Y)victims or for
seniors 62+ years
Maine, Me. Rev.YesYes. No fee forFeb. 1, 2006
Stat. Ann. tit. 10 identity theft
§ 1313-Cvictims.
Maryland, 2007 Md.YesYes. No fee forJan. 1, 2008
Laws Ch. 307identity theft
Minnesota, Minn.YesYes. No fee forAug. 1, 2006
Stat. § 13C.016identity theft
Mississippi, 2007No. Applies only toYesJuly 1, 2007
Miss. Laws ch. 585identity theft victims.
Montana, 2007YesYes. No fee forJuly 1, 2007
Mont. Laws ch. 138identity theft
Nebraska, 2007 Leg.Yes.Yes. No fee forSept. 1, 2007
Bill 674identity theft(sections
victims.applying to
employers take
effect Sept. 1,
Nevada, Nev. Rev.YesYes. No fee forOct. 1, 2005
Stat. § 598C.010, etidentity theft
seq. victims.
New Hampshire,YesYes. No fee forJan. 1, 2007
Rev. Stat. N.H. identity theft
§§ 359-B:22-B:29victims.
New Jersey, N.J.YesYes. No fee forJan. 1, 2006
Stat. Ann. §§ 56:11-first request.
44 - 56:11-50
New Mexico, 2007Yes.Yes. No fee forJuly 1, 2007
N.M. Laws ch. 106identity theft
victims or seniors
New York, N.Y.YesYes. No fee forNov. 1, 2006
Gen. Bus. Law identity theft
§§ 380-a - 380-uvictims.
State SecurityApplies to AllCredit ReportingAgency Fees forEffective Date
Freeze StatuteConsumers?Freeze Requests?
North Carolina, N.C.YesYes. No fee forDec. 1, 2005
Gen. Stat. § 75-60, etidentity theft
seq. victims.
North Dakota, N.D.YesYes. No fee forJuly 1, 2007
Cent. Code ch. 51-33identity theft
Oklahoma, Okla.YesYes. No fee forJan. 1, 2007
Stat. tit. 24, § 149, etidentity theft
seq.victims or seniors
Pennsylvania, 2006YesYes. No fee forJan. 1, 2007
Pa. Laws ch. 163 identity theft
victims or seniors
Rhode Island, R.I.YesYes. No fee forJan. 1, 2007
Gen. Laws identity theft
§§ 6-48-1 - 6-48-9victims or seniors
South Dakota, S.D.No. Applies toNoJuly 1, 2006
Codified Laws identity theft victims
§§ 54-15-1, et seq.only.
Tennessee, 2007YesYes. Fee not toJan. 1, 2008
Tenn. Pub. Act ch.exceed $7.50. No
170 (to be codified atfee for identity
Tenn. Code Ann. tit.theft victims.
Texas, Tex. Bus. &No. Applies toYes. No fee forSept. 1, 2003
Com. Code identity theft victimsidentity theft
§§ 20.031-20.04only.victims.
Utah, Utah CodeYesYes. Allows forSept. 1, 2008
Ann. § 13-42-102“reasonable fees.”
and §§ 13-45-201 -No fee for identity
Vermont, Vt. Stat.YesNoJuly 1, 2005
Ann. tit. 9, §§ 2480a-
Washington, Wash.No. Applies toNoJuly 24, 2005
Rev. Code identity theft victims.
§§ 19.182.170 -
W. Va. Code § 46A-YesYes. No fee foridentity theftJune 8, 2007
State SecurityApplies to AllCredit ReportingAgency Fees forEffective Date
Freeze StatuteConsumers?Freeze Requests?
Wisconsin, Wis. Stat.YesYes. No fee forJan. 1, 2007
§ 100.54identity theft
Wyoming, Wyo.YesYes. No fee forJuly 1, 2007
Stat. §§ 40-12-502 -identity theft
Source: and state government websites.
Social Security Numbers
Several state laws are intended to protect consumers’ Social Security numbers
(SSNs) from identity theft.22 Michigan’s Social Security Number Privacy Act, the
first state law of its kind, requires employers to adopt a policy to insure the
confidentiality of employee SSNs.23 The employer policy must include document
destruction protocols and impose penalties on persons who violate the policy. The
statute requires employers to publish the policy in an employee handbook or through
other means. California also has enacted a statute intended to protect the integrity of
employees’ SSNs.24 The statute prohibits employers from publicly displaying SSNs
or printing the numbers on employee identification cards or badges. Other states
have restricted the collection of SSNs for use in consumer transactions. In Rhode
Island, for example, it is a misdemeanor to require a consumer to disclose his or her
SSN, “incident to the sale of consumer goods or services.”25 The law includes
exceptions for insurance and healthcare services and applications for consumer
Proposed Federal Identity Theft Legislation
Several bills have been introduced in the 110th Congress to combat identity
theft, address security breaches, and protect personal information. Summaries of the
bills provided below are from the Legislative Information System
[ h ttp://] .
22 For further information, see CRS Report RL30318, The Social Security Number: Legal
Developments Affecting Its Collection, Disclosure, and Confidentiality, by Kathleen S.
23 Mich. Comp. Laws. § 445.84.
24 Cal. Civ. Code §§ 1798.85-1798.86.
25 R.I. Gen. Laws § 6-13-17.
H.R. 136 (Gallegly)
Identity Theft Notification Act of 2007. This bill would amend title II (Old
Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance) of the Social Security Act to require the
Commissioner of Social Security to notify individuals and appropriate authorities of
evidence of a certain misuse of individual Social Security account numbers. The bill
also requires the Commissioner to determine, in certain instances of wage reports
involving multiple addresses for the same employee name, whether there is evidence
that the wages were not paid to the individual to whom the Social Security account
number was assigned.
H.R. 138 (Gallegly)
Employment Eligibility Verification and Anti-Identity Theft Act. This bill
would direct the Commissioner of the Social Security Administration to notify a
person or entity each time that the combination of name and Social Security account
number it has submitted for an individual does not match Social Security
Administration records. The bill also directs the Secretary of the Department
Homeland Security (DHS) to notify a person or entity each time that (1) an
immigration status or employment authorization document presented or referenced
by an individual during the employment eligibility verification process was assigned
to another person; or (2) there is no agency record that the document was assigned
to any person. Additionally, the bill directs the DHS Secretary to establish a system,
meeting specified requirements, for verifying an individual’s identity and
employment eligibility. Requires any person or entity that has received a discrepancy
notice under this act to verify the individual’s employment authorization and identity
through such system. The bill places the burden of resolving errors in the verification
mechanism on the individual whose employment eligibility and identity have not
been verified and requires the individual to terminate any employment in the United
States if a final nonverification is received. The bill also requires the Commissioner
of Social Security to provide the last known name, address, and location of a
nonverified individual to the Secretary of DHS and provides for sanctions against
employers who continue to employ an individual after receiving a final
nonverification. The bill also amends the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant
Responsibility Act of 1996 to require any person or entity that receives written notice
about more than 20 individuals in one calendar year to (1) participate in a basic pilot
project for employment eligibility confirmation; and (2) comply with specified terms
and conditions. The bill also provides for (1) a remedy under the Federal Tort
Claims Act for job dismissals occasioned by verification mechanism errors; and (2)
protection from civil and criminal liability for persons or entities that take action in
good faith on the basis of verification mechanism information.
H.R. 220 (Paul)
Identity Theft Protection Act of 2007. This bill would amend title II (Old
Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance) of the Social Security Act and the Internal
Revenue Code to prohibit using a Social Security account number except for
specified Social Security and tax purposes. The bill also prohibits the Social Security
Administration from divulging the Social Security account number of an individual
to any federal, state, or local government agency or instrumentality, or to any other
individual. Additionally, the bill amends the Privacy Act of 1974 to prohibit any
federal, state, or local government agency or instrumentality from requesting an
individual to disclose his Social Security account number on either a mandatory or
a voluntary basis and prohibits any two federal agencies or instrumentalities from
implementing the same identifying number with respect to any individual (except as
authorized by the Social Security Act). The bill also prohibits any federal agency
from (1) establishing or mandating a uniform standard for identification of an
individual that is required to be used by any other federal or state agency, or by a
private person, for any purpose other than that of conducting the authorized activities
of the standard-establishing or -mandating federal agency; or (2) conditioning receipt
of any federal grant, contract, or other federal funding on the adoption, by a state or
local government, or by a state agency, of such a uniform standard.
H.R. 246 (Reichert)
Methamphetamine and Identity Theft Study Act of 2007. This bill would
direct the Attorney General to conduct a study evaluating whether there is a
connection between the commission of crimes involving methamphetamine and the
commission of identity theft crimes. The bill also requires such study to include a
statistical analysis of any correlation and to evaluate (1) imposing a sentencing
enhancement if a person commits both; (2) establishing a password-protected
electronic clearinghouse within the Department of Justice for federal, state, and local
law enforcement agencies to share information on crimes involving both; and (3)
whether individuals who use methamphetamine are more likely to commit certain
kinds of identity theft crimes, such as through the use of mail, than are others who
commit identity theft crimes.
H.R. 336 (S. Davis)
Identity Theft Protection and Timely Reporting Act of 2007. This bill would
direct the National Technical Information Service of the Department of Commerce
to provide monthly updates of the Death Master List prepared by the Social Security
Administration to each consumer reporting agency described in the Fair Credit
Reporting Act. The bill also amends the Fair Credit Reporting Act to require each
such consumer reporting agency to include a fraud alert in the consumer file of each
consumer whose name appears on the Death Master List prepared by the Social
Security Administration so long as the agency continues to maintain such file.
H.R. 531 (Lynch)
Retirement Security Education Act of 2007. This bill would authorize the
Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to eligible entities to
provide financial education programs to mid-life and older individuals who reside in
local communities in order to (1) enhance their financial and retirement knowledge;
and (2) reduce financial abuse and fraud, including telemarketing, mortgage, and
pension fraud, among them. The bill also authorizes the Secretary to award a grant
to one or more eligible entities to (1) create and make available instructional
materials and information that promote financial education; and (2) provide training
and other related assistance regarding the establishment of financial education
programs. Additionally, the bill expresses the sense of Congress that organizations
with demonstrated experience in providing financial education to older women
should receive high priority for assistance under this act.
H.R. 605 (Hayes)
Seniors Taking on Phony Marketers Act of 2007. This bill would amend the
federal criminal code to increase from 10 to 15 years the additional term of
imprisonment for telemarketing fraud aimed at individuals over the age of 55. The
bill also authorizes appropriations for FY2008 for (1) 50 new postal inspectors to
investigate telemarketing fraud; (2) 30 new assistant U.S. attorneys to prosecute
telemarketing fraud cases; and (3) public awareness and prevention initiatives to
educate senior citizens about telemarketing fraud.
H.R. 836 (L. Smith)
Cyber-Security Enhancement and Consumer Data Protection Act of 2007.
This bill would amend the federal criminal code to (1) prohibit accessing or remotely
controlling a protected computer to obtain identification information; (2) revise the
definition of “protected computer” to include computers affecting interstate or
foreign commerce or communication; (3) expand the definition of racketeering to
include computer fraud; (4) redefine the crime of computer-related extortion to
include threats to access without authorization (or to exceed authorized access of) a
protected computer; (5) impose criminal penalties for conspiracy to commit computer
fraud; (6) impose a fine and/or five year prison term for failure to notify the U.S.
Secret Service or Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of a major security breach
(involving a significant risk of identity theft) in a computer system, with the intent
to thwart an investigation of such breach; (7) increase to 30 years the maximum term
of imprisonment for computer fraud and require forfeiture of property used to
commit computer fraud; and (8) impose criminal penalties for damaging 10 or more
protected computers during any one-year period. The bill also directs the U.S.
Sentencing Commission to review and amend its guidelines and policy statements
to reflect congressional intent to increase criminal penalties for computer fraud and
authorizes additional appropriations in FY2007-FY2011 to the U.S. Secret Service,
the Department of Justice, and the FBI to investigate and prosecute criminal activity
involving computers.
H.R. 948 (Markey)
Social Security Number Protection Act of 2007. This bill would amend title
II (Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance) of the Social Security Act (SSA) to
make it unlawful for any person to sell or purchase a Social Security number in a
manner that violates a regulation promulgated by the Federal Trade Commission
(FTC), except in certain circumstances.
H.R. 958 (Rush)
Data Accountability and Trust Act. This bill would require the Federal Trade
Commission (FTC) to promulgate regulations requiring each person engaged in
interstate commerce that owns or possesses electronic data containing personal
information to establish security policies and procedures. The bill also authorizes the
FTC to require a standard method or methods for destroying obsolete nonelectronic
data. The bill also requires information brokers to submit their security policies to
the FTC in conjunction with a security breach notification or on FTC request,
requires the FTC to conduct or require an audit of security practices when
information brokers are required to provide notification of such a breach, and
authorizes additional audits after a breach. Additionally, the bill requires information
brokers to (1) establish procedures to verify the accuracy of information that
identifies individuals; (2) provide to individuals whose personal information it
maintains a means to review it; (3) place notice on the Internet instructing individuals
how to request access to such information; and (4) correct inaccurate information.
Furthermore, the bill directs the FTC to require information brokers to establish
measures which facilitate the auditing or retracing of access to, or transmissions of,
electronic data containing personal information and prohibits information brokers
from obtaining or disclosing personal information by false pretenses (pretexting).
Additionally, the bill prescribes procedures for notification to the FTC and affected
individuals of information security breaches. The bill also sets forth special
notification requirements for breaches (1) by contractors who maintain or process
electronic data containing personal information; (2) involving telecommunications
and computer services; and (3) of health information. H.R. 958 preempts state
information security laws.
H.R. 1008 (Bean)
Safeguarding America’s Families by Enhancing and Reorganizing New and
Efficient Technologies (SAFER NET) Act of 2007. This bill would require the
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to establish an Office of Internet Safety and Public
Awareness to be headed by a Director. The bill requires the FTC, acting through the
Office, to carry out a nationwide program to increase public awareness and education
regarding Internet safety, that utilizes existing resources and efforts of all levels of
government and other appropriate entities and that includes (1) evaluating and
improving the efficiency of Internet safety efforts provided by such entities; (2)
identifying and promoting best practices; (3) establishing and carrying out a national
outreach and education campaign; (4) serving as the primary contact in the federal
government and as a national clearinghouse for Internet safety information; (5)
facilitating access to, and the exchange of, such information; (6) providing expert
advice to the FTC; and (7) providing technical, financial, and other appropriate
assistance to such entities.
H.R. 1307 (H. Wilson)
Veterans Identity Protection Act. This bill would establish as an independent
office in the executive branch, the Office of Veterans Identity Protection Claims,
headed by a Director, to receive, process, and pay claims for injuries suffered as a
result of the unauthorized use, disclosure, or dissemination of identifying information
stolen from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) or otherwise compromised as
a result of a security breach. The bill also authorizes judicial review of claim
H.R. 1525 (Lofgren)
Internet Spyware (I-SPY) Prevention Act. This bill would amend the federal
criminal code to prohibit intentionally accessing a protected computer without
authorization, or exceeding authorized access, by causing a computer program or
code to be copied onto the protected computer, and intentionally using that program
or code (1) in furtherance of another federal criminal offense; (2) to obtain or
transmit personal information (including a Social Security number or other
government-issued identification number, a bank or credit card number, or an
associated password or access code) with intent to defraud or injure a person or cause
damage to a protected computer; or (3) to impair the security protection of that
computer. The bill also prohibits any person from bringing a civil action under state
law premised upon the defendant’s violating this act. Additionally, the bill provides
that this act does not prohibit any lawfully authorized investigative, protective, or
intelligence activity of a law enforcement agency or a U.S. intelligence agency. The
bill also authorizes appropriations to the Attorney General for prosecutions needed
to discourage the use of spyware and the practices called phishing and pharming and
expresses the sense of Congress that the Department of Justice should vigorously
prosecute those who use spyware to commit crimes and those that conduct phishing
and pharming scams. The House Committee on the Judiciary issued H.Rept. 110-
H.R. 1860 (McCarthy)
Identity Theft Relief Act of 2007. This bill would amend the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986 by adding Section 224, Expenses Related to Identity Theft.
Section 224 allows an individual to deduct all ordinary and necessary expenses paid
or incurred during the taxable year, not compensated for by insurance or otherwise,
in connection with a qualified identity theft.
H.R. 3046 (McNulty)
Social Security Number Privacy and Identity Theft Prevention Act of 2007.
This bill would amend the Social Security Act to enhance Social Security account
number privacy protections, to prevent fraudulent misuse of the Social Security
account number, and to enhance protection against identity theft. The bill would
prohibit the sale or display of Social Security numbers by the government to the
general public. Additionally, the bill would create new criminal and civil penalties
for the sale or misuse of Social Security numbers or for counterfeiting Social Security
cards. It also would create new criminal and civil penalties for Social Security
Administration employees who fraudulently issue Social Security numbers or cards.
Penalties are enhanced in cases of terrorism, drug trafficking, crimes of violence, or
prior offenses. The bill includes exceptions for law enforcement and national
security; for compliance with tax laws; and for research “for the purpose of
advancing public good,” including medical research. The bill also would prohibit
access by prison inmates to the Social Security numbers of others.
S. 238 (Feinstein)
Social Security Number Misuse Prevention Act. This bill would amend the
federal criminal code to prohibit the display, sale, or purchase of Social Security
numbers without the affirmatively expressed consent of the individual, except in
specified circumstances. It also directs the Attorney General to study and report to
Congress on all the uses of Social Security numbers permitted, required, authorized,
or excepted under any federal law, including the impact of such uses on privacy and
data security. Additionally, the bill establishes a public records exception to the
prohibition and directs the Comptroller General to study and report to Congress on
Social Security numbers in public records. The bill also grants the Attorney General
rulemaking authority to enforce this act’s prohibition and to implement and clarify
the permitted uses occurring as a result of an interaction between businesses,
governments, or business and government. The bill also amends title II (Old Age,
Survivors, and Disability Insurance) of the Social Security Act (SSA) to prohibit (1)
the use of Social Security numbers on checks issued for payment by governmental
agencies; and (2) inmate access to Social Security account numbers. The bill
prohibits a commercial entity from requiring an individual to provide a Social
Security number when purchasing a commercial good or service or denying an
individual the good or service for refusing to provide that number, with exceptions.
The bill both establishes civil and criminal penalties and extends civil monetary
penalties for misuse of a Social Security number and provides for (1) criminal
penalties under SSA title II for the misuse of a Social Security number; (2) civil
actions and civil penalties against persons who violate this act; and (3) federal
injunctive authority with respect to any violation by a public entity.
S. 239 (Feinstein)
Notification of Risk to Personal Data Act of 2007. This bill would require
any federal agency or business entity engaged in interstate commerce that uses,
accesses, transmits, stores, disposes of, or collects sensitive, personally identifiable
information, following the discovery of a security breach, to notify (as specified): (1)
any U.S. resident whose information may have been accessed or acquired; and (2) the
owner or licensee of any such information the agency or business does not own or
license. Additionally, the bill exempts (1) agencies from notification requirements
for national security and law enforcement purposes and for security breaches that do
not have a significant risk of resulting in harm, provided specified certification or
notice is given to the U.S. Secret Service; and (2) business entities from notification
requirements if the entity utilizes a security program that blocks unauthorized
financial transactions and provides notice of a breach to affected individuals. The
bill also requires notifications regarding security breaches under specified
circumstances to the Secret Service, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the United
States Postal Inspection Service, and state attorneys general. Furthermore, the bill
sets forth enforcement provisions and authorizes appropriations for costs incurred by
the Secret Service to investigate and conduct risk assessments of security breaches.
The Senate Committee on the Judiciary reported the bill without a written report on
May 31, 2007.
S. 495 (Leahy)
Personal Data Privacy and Security Act of 2007. This bill would amend the
federal criminal code to (1) make fraud in connection with the unauthorized access
of sensitive personally identifiable information (in electronic or digital form) a
predicate for racketeering charges; and (2) prohibit concealment of security breaches
involving such information. The bill also directs the U.S. Sentencing Commission
to review and amend its guidelines relating to fraudulent access to, or misuse of,
digitized or electronic personally identifiable information (including identify theft).
Additionally, the bill requires a data broker to (1) disclose to an individual, upon
request, personal electronic records pertaining to such individual maintained for
disclosure to third parties; and (2) maintain procedures for correcting the accuracy
of such records. The bill also establishes standards for developing and implementing
safeguards to protect the security of sensitive personally identifiable information.
Additionally, the bill imposes upon business entities civil penalties for violations of
such standards and requires such business entities to notify (1) any individual whose
information has been accessed or acquired; and (2) the U.S. Secret Service if the
number of individuals involved exceeds 10,000. Furthermore, the bill authorizes the
Attorney General and state attorneys general to bring civil actions against business
entities for violations of this act. The bill requires the Administrator of the General
Services Administration in considering contract awards totaling more than $500,000,
to evaluate (1) the data privacy and security program of a data broker; (2) program
compliance; (3) the extent to which databases and systems have been compromised
by security breaches; and (4) data broker responses to such breaches. The bill also
requires federal agencies to conduct a privacy impact assessment before purchasing
personally identifiable information from a data broker. The Senate Committee on the
Judiciary reported out S.Rept. 110-70 on May 23, 3007.
S. 699 (Allard)
Social Security Number Fraud and Identity Theft Prevention Act. This bill
would amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to authorize the Secretary of the
Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Secretary of Labor, and the Attorney
General to require an individual to provide the individual’s Social Security account
number for inclusion in any (1) record of the individual maintained by either such
Secretary or the Attorney General; or (2) any application, document, or form
provided under or required by the immigration laws. (Currently, the Attorney
General is authorized to require any alien to provide a Social Security account
number for inclusion in any record maintained by the Attorney General or the Bureau
of Citizenship and Immigration Services.) The bill also requires the Commissioner
of Social Security to provide the DHS Secretary with information regarding the
name, date of birth, and address of each individual who used the same Social
Security account number, and the name and address of the person reporting the
earnings for each such individual. Additionally, the bill requires the Commissioner
to provide such information to the DHS Secretary, in an electronic form, if more than
one person reports earnings for an individual during a single tax year. The bill directs
the Commissioner, at the DHS Secretary’s request and expense, to perform and
report on a search or manipulation of Social Security Commission records if the
Secretary certifies that the purpose is to obtain information likely to assist in
identifying individuals (and their employers) who are (1) using false names or Social
Security account numbers; (2) sharing a single valid name and Social Security
account number among multiple individuals; (3) using the Social Security account
number of a person who is deceased, too young to work, or not authorized to work;
or (4) otherwise engaged in a violation of the immigration laws. Furthermore, the
bill declares inadmissible to receive visas and to be admitted to the United States any
alien who falsely represents himself or herself to be a U.S. national for any purpose
or benefit under immigration and nationality or any other federal or state law.
S. 806 (Pryor)
Consumer ID Protection and Security Act. This bill would authorize a
consumer to place a security freeze on his or her credit report by making a request to
a consumer credit reporting agency in writing, by telephone, or through a secure
electronic connection if such a connection is made available by the agency, subject
to specified requirements.
S. 1178 (Inouye)
Identity Theft Prevention Act. This bill would require any commercial entity
or charitable, educational, or nonprofit organization that acquires, maintains, or uses
sensitive personal information (covered entity) to develop, implement, maintain, and
enforce a written program, containing administrative, technical, and physical
safeguards, for the security of sensitive personal information it collects, maintains,
sells, transfers, or disposes of. The bill defines “sensitive personal information” as
an individual’s name, address, or telephone number combined with at least one of the
following relating to that individual: (1) the social security number or numbers
derived from that number; (2) financial account or credit or debit card numbers
combined with codes or passwords that permit account access, subject to exception;
or (3) a state driver’s license or resident identification number. The proposed act
requires a covered entity (1) to report a security breach to the Federal Trade
Commission (FTC); (2) if the entity determines that the breach creates a reasonable
risk of identity theft, to notify each affected individual; and (3) if the breach involves
at least 1,000 individuals, to notify all consumer reporting agencies specified in the
Fair Credit Reporting Act. The bill also authorizes a consumer to place a security
freeze on his or her credit report by making a request to a consumer credit reporting
agency, and prohibits a reporting agency, when a freeze is in effect, from releasing
the consumer’s report for credit review purposes without the consumer’s prior
express authorization. Additionally, this legislation requires (1) the establishment
of the Information Security and Consumer Privacy Advisory Committee; (2) a related
crime study, including the correlation between methamphetamine use and identity
theft crimes. Also, this bill treats any violation of this act as an unfair or deceptive
act or practice under the Federal Trade Commission Act, requires enforcement under
other specified laws, allows enforcement by state attorneys general, and preempts
state laws requiring notification of affected individuals of security breaches.
S. 1202 (Sessions)
Personal Data Protection Act of 2007. This bill would require agencies and
individuals who possess computerized data containing sensitive personal information
to disclose security breaches that pose a significant risk of identity theft.